Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Remus' seventeenth birthday party was a brilliant one, everyone had gotten together: Sirius, James, Peter, Efa, Lily, Eve, and Marlene. The eight of them just spent a majority of the afternoon together, eventually giving their presents to Remus and eating the cake that Eve and Efa had magicked up. They all had plenty of fun at Remus' birthday party and helped Remus plenty, especially considering he had to go through the full moon just four days before.

Unfortunately, his birthday had fallen onto a Thursday, so the eight didn't have much time to celebrate during the free period before they had to go back to their classes.

James' seventeenth, however, was far more successful than Remus' as it had fallen on a Sunday, so they were able to spend the entire day together. They hung around the Black Lake all day and played a majority of different games. The Marauders planed some pranks, ones that would hopefully get past the student or teacher who kept dismantling them.

Lily ended up putting in her own two cents about their prank. "Seriously, hug a blonde day?"

"Yes, Evans," James sassed, "Hug a blonde day. Would you prefer it be kiss a blonde?"

"Ugh!" Lily shouted, drawing the attention of the three blondes that were playing in the water of the Black Lake- well, Eve refused to get in the water, so she sat on the shore, inches away from it.

"What happened, Lily?" Eve asked, looking back at Lily concerned.

"Worried about your girlfriend?" Efa teased with a smile.

Eve said nothing, only waved her hand behind her. Suddenly a splash was heard. Everyone looked up to see what had caused the noise, and spotted Efa resurfacing with a deadly glare on her face. Eve had tossed her into the water.

"What are you guys talking about?" Eve asked, ignoring her twin as she got up and walked over to the boys and Lily.

"Hug a blonde day," Remus told the Faery.

"Hug a blonde day?"

"Yeah," Peter nodded with a small smile, "It's quite genius actually. We're casting a charm on everyone so when they're in a two-yard radius of a blonde, they have to hug them. Or in Lily's case-"

"PETER!!" Lily shouted in disbelief at the watery eyed boy as James and Sirius broke into laughter. "It's not funny."

"It's a little funny," Marlene said as she walked over to them with an (now dry) angry Efa. "Except wouldn't that make her kiss any blonde? Including Peter, myself, and Efa."

"Just make her kiss Eve," Efa shrugged.

Eve let out an annoyed noise, "Why do you guys keep trying to get Lily and I to kiss?!"

"Because you guys are so cute together!" Efa said with smirk.

"We aren't even dating!" Lily threw her hands up.

"Uh, yeah, you are," Efa said. "Remember, we agreed on this in the library after holiday."

"We didn't agree on this," Eve and Lily countered.

"Only you said it," Lily finished for the two after Eve had stopped.

"Whatever, you guys are adorable. Everyone agrees with me," Efa said, trying desperately to get her sister and the witch together, "Right, guys?"

Remus nodded, along with Peter and Marlene. Sirius looked a bit hesitant to agree, glancing at James for a moment, a flash a pity going through his silvery gray eyes before nodding in agreement, "You guys are kinda cute together."

"James?" Efa looked at the Potter boy. Her green eyes pleading him to agree.

So, against his wants, he nodded with an exasperated sigh, "Yeah."

"Mother of Merlin!" Lily threw up her hands, her face a bright red as Eve stared at them all in stunned silence. "Are you serious- ("Actually-" Sirius started.) Don't you bloody dare, Black!" Lily looked over to Eve to see her staring at her, "What do you think about this, Eve?"

The Faery just sat there and shrugged in response.

"A shrug," Lily threw her hands up exasperated, "A shrug is all I get! Oh my Mer-" Lily was cut off by warm lips being pressed against hers. Her eyes widened in shock as they separated and stared at Eve in disbelief. "Wait- wh- what?"

"Uh-" Eve rubbed the back of her neck as the boys, Efa, and Marlene stared at them in stunned silence.

"WHOO!" Efa cheered and clapped, "FINALLY!! PAY UP, BLACK!!"

Sirius let out a groan as he tossed two Sickles at the Sprite, hitting her in the forehead.

"Sirius," Efa growled.

Lily and Eve looked at the two in shock, as everyone else watched on in amusement. They looked at each other, the same shade of green meeting.

"So." Lily said.

"Yeah." Eve nodded her head awkwardly.

"Uh-" Lily started but was cut off by the chanting of everyone around her.


"Come on," Eve grabbed Lily's hand and stood up. As the two left she created two presents for the birthday boy, shouting a quick, "Happy birthday, James!!" Before disappearing with Lily in tow.

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