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Harry walked through the Forbidden Forest, Invisibility Cloak tied around his shoulders, the Resurrection Stone clutched right in his hand. All around him stood his family. His mother, his father, his godfather, and a man who was basically his uncle.

Lily, James, Sirius, and Remus followed behind the young man who grew up far too fast as he walked through the forest to his death. He knew he was going to die, and he was completely fine with it. Harry walked through the woods, searching for Voldemort, looking for Death.

James and Lily had their hands clutched together as they walked, Remus and Sirius on either side of them. They all remembered these woods for different reasons.

James remembered it from the time when he was Prongs and was out with the rest of the Marauders, helping Remus with his furry little problem. Having fun as a wolf, a stag, a rat, and a dog. They had gone through these woods more times than he could count. He was surprised they hadn't mapped it out.

Sirius remembered it for the same reason as James, but also, it was where Efa took him for their own little adventures. Efa, whom unbeknownst to Harry, was standing with them. The criminal and the Sprite had had many of their own private adventures in the woods without the others.

Remus remembered it most as the place where the boys took him to be free and not be holed up in a ratty old shack, clawing and bitting at himself, wanting and wishing it to end. But, he also remembered these woods as the place where his savior came from. The place where that odd girl had come accompanied him as a wolf, alone in the shack. She had stayed with him throughout the night, then escorted him back to Hogwarts. Letting him know someone was there before the boys could help.

Lily, sweet, sweet, Lily, she didn't remember it as the place where Remus was allowed to roam free. Nor did she remember it as the place of adventures with a Sprite. Lily remembered it as a place of sorrow. A place where her first love was from and where that love disappeared. She remembered the time when Eve dragged her into the forest in her birthday and gave her the best present ever.

But, she also remembers the time Death Eaters attacked and tortured her. She remembers the never answered letters and the disappearance that had everyone worried. Lily remembers never getting closure of what had happened, and she remembers believing it was all her fault.

And as Harry and them come upon a clearing. A clearing filled with a single tree and a lump of grass and vines and flowers, and something trapped inside. Lily cried, alerting everyone that something was wrong. She ran over to the formation in the ground, deserting James' side.

Harry frowned at his mother, but joined her side. "What's wrong?" He asked as tears streamed down her face. The two sat in front of the formation of flowers, "Is- is that a person?"

Remus, Sirius, and James joined the two, standing behind them as Lily cried. The three of four Marauders stared at the unfamiliar tree and the screaming statue of flowers and vines. Remus stared at the tree, noticing something on it.

He narrowed his eyes, stepping around everyone, as he walked closer to the tree. Remus placed his hand on the marking as he read it. His eyes widened as Lily let out a sob. The werewolf looked back at the sobbing redhead as tears formed in his own eyes.

"What's going on?" Harry asked in confusion, voicing Sirius and James' thoughts.

Remus and Lily, with both their voices cracking, uttered one word. One name.


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