Chapter Forty

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"Dear Eve,
I hope you are having a wonderful summer so far. I, for one, have enjoyed my time away from school. I am only upset that I'm unable to spend my summer with you. Petunia and her fiancé Vernon are staying for a week, which is definitely putting a damper on my mood. But, in just a few months, I will be able to see you again. Once again, I hope you are having a wonderful summer. Can't wait to see you again.



"Dear Eve,
I wish you would have come to the Potter's with Sirius and I, it is truly wonderful here. The boys have introduced me to a sport called Quidditch, and it's quiet fun. Remus and Peter had visited for a short while and I believe they plan on coming over again in the next few weeks before the summer ends. Maybe you could come up and spend the remainder of the summer with us. Euphemia and Fleamont desperately wish to meet you after the stories James, Sirius, and I have told. I do wish you would come.


P.S. We didn't tell them anything too bad"


"Dear Eve,
Are you okay? I haven't gotten a response from my letter. I am terribly sorry if I appear to be clingy, but I am just worried about you. You were very prompt in responding the last time we traded letters. You are probably busy, catching up with Emitt, or maybe Hagrid and Thelma have taken you on an adventure and are unable to respond. I sincerely apologize, I'm worried over nothing, I'm sure.



"Dear Eve,
Are you feeling well? I know it seems almost pointless to send you a letter with my going back to Hogwarts in a few days time, but I was wondering why you hadn't responded to my previous letter. I completely understand if you are busy, I am just wondering. I apologize for the necessary evil of this letter.

Your twin,

P.S. How are Emitt and Elias?"


"Dear Eve,
School is starting up in a couple of days and you still haven't responded to any of my letters. I don't know if my owl has been unable to find you, or if you just haven't had the time to respond, but I do wish you would. Marlene and Alice ended up coming over for a short while after Petunia and Vernon left, which definitely brightened up my summer. I hoped you had a good summer as well, I'll see you in a couple days at Hogwarts.

Love, love, love, love, love,

P.S. Have I done something wrong? Did I anger you in any way? If I have I am truly sorry. Please respond. It is killing me not hearing from you. I'm sorry for whatever I did.

Love, again,


"Dear Sister,
We leave for Hogwarts tomorrow and you still haven't responded to a single letter. Are you feeling okay, or is the owl unable to get to your tree home. Are you not home? Perhaps you are out on an adventure with Emitt and Elias, I have no idea. But I am worried, so is everyone else. I sent a letter to Lily a short while ago and she says she hasn't heard from you at all either. Remus, Peter, James, and Sirius are slightly panicking at your absence, but the latter two refuse to admit. I hope you are okay and just not getting the letters.

Your loving twin sister,

P.S. please, please, please, please, be okay. I know you won't be able to respond, and even if you will, I won't get it. But please be okay, I will go to your home the second I reach Hogwarts


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