Chapter Seventeen

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Lily sat quietly in the car as Mr. and Mrs. Evans took her to Kings Cross Station. Petunia was in London, she had left after their spat and pursued a typing course in London. In the short month she's been there, she has apparently found a boyfriend by the name of Vernon Dursley.

The Evans' have yet to meet the man, but from what Petunia described in her single letter addressed to her mother, he was decidedly normal and hadn't an ounce of magic in him. Mr. and Mrs. Evans wouldn't have minded a bit if the man was magical, but it seemed that was all that mattered to Lily's older sister.

The redhead was very quiet during their drive to Kings Cross. She was too busy thinking about Eve and what the rest of the Faery's summer had been like after their short letter conversation. She had never gotten one back after she sent the wooden bird back to Hogwarts. But, she supposed she would just have to wait until she got to Hogwarts.

When Lily arrived through Platform Nine and Three Quarters, she quickly gave a hug to her parents before running off to board the train and chat with Alice and Marlene. Though, unfortunately for her, the first person she saw on the train was James Potter. On the bright side of things, he and Sirius were too busy picking on Severus to notice her, so she quickly made her way in the opposite direction, Severus looking sadly at her retreating form.

She eventually had to go to the Prefects carriage with Remus, but afterward Alice and Marlene managed to find her and the trio talked and laughed the whole way to Hogwarts. When they arrived, they continued to joke and talk to the carriages and up to Hogwarts. They only stopped during the sorting ceremony and whilst they were eating. Thankfully, James and the rest of the Marauder's decided to leave them alone for the most part, so Lily went up to the Gryffindor Tower with the rest of the students with a happy smile on her face.

Lily practically skipped up the stairs to her dormitory and took a quick shower before plopping onto her soft red and gold canopy bed. She let out a sigh of relief as she sunk into the bed with a blissful smile on her face.

"You look like your in heaven, Lily," Alice said with a laugh as she looked at her friend.

"I am," she answered, "I'm at Hogwarts and none the ridiculous Marauder's have bothered me, nor has Severus. Heaven, that's what this is."

"Who knew," Alice said with a smile, "Have you seen your mysterious friend Eve?"

"Not yet, no," Lily told her, "I might see her tomorrow though."

"What house is she in again?" Alice asked, trying to learn more about the girl she only knew the name of.

"Why does it matter?" Lily countered, looking over curiously at the brunette.

"It doesn't," Alice said.

"Okay then," Lily said with a hidden smirk before going under the covers and closing the curtains around her bed to block out the light and mute the sound.

She fell into a deep sleep with a smile on her face and a single thought running through her head and fueling her dreams. This one thing was a repeat in the redhead's mind, going over and over again like a loop that made her forget the trouble with her sister at home, and her hatred for both James and Severus.

Just one simple word made her forget her worries. One.

Fae In The Fire, lily evans ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat