Chapter 5

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Aviana's POV:

I walked up early in the morning and started packing my clothes, I'm lucky that the house is already furnished. So I only need to bring the necessary things and the clothes.

At 8:30 Mr. Jones (the one I bought the house from) called me.

"Ms. Anderson?"

"Yes sir, I'm Aviana Anderson",

"Ah okay Miss,  meet me in the coffee beside the house and I will give you the keys,"

"What about the papers that come along?"

"Don't worry I will handle all of these things,"

"Ok sir, thank you another time,"

"It's my job." He said then hung up.

I gave mom a goodbye kiss and told her that I will eat breakfast there in the coffee. I arrived to the coffee at 9 AM, I found Mr. Jones there.

"Hello Mr. Jones I'm Aviana",

"Hello Aviana here you go, here are the keys of the house. After a week I will call you to come here again and take all the papers,"

"Um..okay, thank you," then he went. I took a small table and it was the only empty one, the coffee was too crowded. I asked for a pancake and a cup of nescafe. After 10 minutes the waitress finally came with my food.

It was too delicious. Then suddenly I realized that face. I blinked several times wishing that I am only imaging, but unfortunately it was real. My emotion were very very mixed up, happiness, embarrassment, anger. I was wishing that the ground would open up and swallow me.

He went and talked to the cashier and they talked for a few minutes, then they both headed to my table, my heart started beating so fast from nervousness.

"Excuse me miss. There are no more empty tables or seats and you are sitting alone on a huge table. So please can Mr. Smith sit with you?", the cashier said. You could see that he was sure I was gonna accept from his eyes.

Then I found myself nodding my head nodding and I was saying, "Y-yeah...sure, I don't mind,"

"Thank you very much, we appreciate it alot." Then he left me with the one that wasn't leaving my mind from the first time I saw him.

None of us was speaking, until I decide to talk.

"Nice to meet you again, Mr. Smith". I said in a low and soft voice,

"You too Aviana," he said still waiting the chef to prepare also his pancake, "Huh..I see that you love the pancakes, right?"

"Umm..yeah, but how did you know that its my favorite food as on breakfast?"

"You stupid, it's from the way you are eating as if you never ate pancakes before,"

I was so angry on him and on the way he was speaking to me, "Excuse me mister, who do you think you are talking to me in this way and calling me stupid?"

"I am more than anything I want to be, whats your problem with me, and I can call you whatever I want. Okay, hungry rat?"

"OMG, I can't believe people like you. You were born having whatever you want and no one have the courage to tell you no on anything, and now you are calling people names, and you think you are something... like I don't know, you think you are the King of the world..oh..I forgot why are you here? I think your prestige don't allow you to sit with normal people, go sit with your ruthless billionaire friends like you-"

Suddenly he stood up and hit the table with his hands so all the eyes were on us. My eyes wilded.

"Who do you think you are, I can now fire you from whatever your work is, and make your life a living hell," I felt my eyes water because first I'm emotional and second I don't like anyone to shout at me or all eyes being dragged on me.

"I'm out of here," I ran to the restroom inside the coffee and my tears started falling one by one until they were falling in rivers, then I was sobbing.

Alex's POV:

I get enough from her, she get under my nerves. I stood up and shouted on her, then she murmured something and went to the restroom inside the coffee. I gave the people a stare so they continued what they were doing.

I felt guilty on what I did, that was a new thing, guilt never came over me. When I was shouting, I could feel her water gather in her eyes. What should I do should do I go and ask her forgiveness? But no I'm not one to ask someone to forgive me... or should I ignore her and just go to my mansion? I don't know. Without thinking I stood up and went outside the coffee. When I arrived home I realized that what I did was wrong and I should ask her forgiveness.

"What's wrong with you?" Damon my helper asked.

"I want you to give me information about Aviana Anderson."

I turned my back and went to the pool to take a swim. And of course she was all what I was thinking about.

*****Author's note*****

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~Sahar Dirani~

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