fifteen: jj & mariah & some comments

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A/n: important announcement at the end of the chap :)

JJ: okay don't get mad

Mariah: what did you do?

JJ: I may have met something possibly slip to the guys

Mariah: what exactly did you say?

JJ: nothing not really


JJ: so everyone was talking about how Simon is shit at pulling girls and about how he won't be able to pull you and then I said "the last person you have to worry about pulling is Mariah she been pulled"

Mariah: they probably think that I have some kind of massive schoolgirl crush on Simon oh god

JJ: don't you?

Mariah: maybe yes I don't know but they shouldn't be thinking that

Mariah: what did Simon say?

JJ: nothing much just "oh hell"

Mariah: well I'm fucked

Mariah: things are gonna be so awkward now ugh

JJ: you're not mad?

Mariah: a little but they're your best friends I can't be that mad plus you didn't outright tell them

JJ: wow okay you're the best

JJ: I'll cover it up I promise, you still coming over tonight?

Mariah: yup I miss my pants

JJ: weirdo but okay I'll see you in a bit then

JJ: also don't look at the comments of the video until you come over I want it to be a surprise

Mariah: okay I won't


JJ had texted Mariah as soon as he had texted the group chat. Now he just had to figure out a way to disguise what he had said when the boys confronted him, since he knew they would. Surely enough, Josh stormed into his room seconds later.

"What was that text you sent?" The ever curious Josh looked at JJ expectantly. JJ had to make a decision, tell Josh the truth and make him swear not to tell, or make up some shit excuse for why he sent what he sent. Having already betrayed one friend, he had to chose between betraying one again or lying to one. JJ chose the latter, at least kind of, "well I meant she seems like she already likes Simon."

"And you know this for sure?" If JJ was saying this surely it was true since he knew Mariah better than a lot of people.

"Nah nah it's just you know they look at each other with such thirst is all." Jide was being casual about it and Josh seemed to be buying it.

"Alright JJ I'll believe your bullshit for now." He left the room and JJ muttered some swear words before turning back to his computer screen.

The comments on his video were mostly complimenting Mariah and their friendship. One thing that also seemed to be reoccurring was that everyone noticed the sexual tension, or thirst as JJ put it, between Simon and Mariah. He would have so much fun teasing both of them for this.

He read through them and laughed at how excited the fangirls were getting. Some of them were opposed to the idea of them together but most were already shipping them.

Mariah came over to the sidemen house around dinner time, this time she was actually going to cook. She was determined now as last time she was abruptly stopped in her tracks. Jj however was going to do this again.

"Mariah no! First look at the comments!" He ran to the kitchen to stop her from starting to cook.

"I think you're the only man in the history of males to stop a woman from cooking for him." Mariah turned at looked at JJ with a smile.

"I'm progressive innit, plus you're not my bitch so I can't tell you what to do." JJ laughed at his own joke and Mariah rolled her eyes but followed him upstairs anyway.

"Take a look at the comments most of them are about you and Simon, or you and me." JJ said while gesturing to take a seat next to him in front of his computers.


This Mariah chick is well fit can't believe I haven't seen her before

Oh my gosh she's so funny, and her and JJ get along so well MORE MARIAH IN VIDS PLEASE
20 likes, 3 comments

Annie: Caroline you're so right they act like brother and sister it's refreshing to see JJ like this

Laserm8r: Caroline is no one gonna address the fact that Simon and Mariah are probably fucking

Caroline: laserm8r lol idk bout that by they would definitely be cute together

Jessicasdmn: im gonna cry Simon looks at Mariah with literal heart eyes
2 likes 1 comment

Steve: Jessicasdmn I ship them ngl

Raixix: Mariah and Simon are my new otp, bye


Mariah finished reading and she felt her cheeks grow warm. She didn't expect people to like her this much she also didn't expect people to see some sort of relationship between her and Simon.

"The others are just about how hot you are or how violently people want to fuck you." JJ said it casually, causing Mariah to scoff and chuckle.

"I'm surprised people didn't hate me."

"Why would they you're hilarious and even more funny when you're drunk. Not to mention boobs equals views." Instinctively Mariah rolled her eyes but smiled since JJ had complimented her in his own way.

"Are we not gonna talk about the fact that everyone thinks you and Simon are fucking or will fuck?" Jide said loudly and Mariah groaned. She didn't oppose this idea just the fact that now everyone would know she was thirsty for Simon. If she rewatched the video she would clearly see the heart eyes towards Simon and that bothered Mariah.

"Keep it down you prick." She hid her face in her hands.

"Well I could ask SIMON FOR HIS OPINION!" JJ yelled the last part and Mariah sprang to cover his mouth but it was too late. She heard footsteps approach and then a voice called, " the fuck do you want JJ?"

A/n: hey guys so I did a thing and it's v cool, you can now follow Mariah's Instagram account ! Obviously it doesn't have as many followers as Mariah does in the fic but it will have some updates on the storyline, manips, and other fic related extras so go follow @/marimarjohnson on Instagram !!!

I hope you guys liked this update and don't forget to vote :)

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