twenty-two: an interview

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Mariah: shit I'm so nervous

Toebee: why? Are you alright?

Mariah: yeah I'm fine I think

Mariah: I'm about to go on Ellen
and I'm losing my shit

Harold: that's so cool !!!!

Minty: hey don't worry you got this just pretend it's JJ interviewing you or something

JJ: My interviews are worse though so yeah you'll be fine

Mariah: okay true, thanks Si

Mariah: the show is about to start fuckfuckfuck

Minty: I'll watch

Dad: same, chill out Mariah

Behz: ^yeah listen to daddy

Mariah: you're right
I have to listen to my dad


Ellen and Mariah had been making small talk so far, about the movie, about how Mariah loved England, but she knew this would come to an end and the real interviewing would commence. Ellen started prying into her love life. They played a game of how'd you rather. Mariah ended up with drake and Ellen asked if she would date any of the famous men that were shown. Mariah of course said no being that it was the truth.

"Listen you're a young, smart, beautiful woman and I think you deserve someone equally talented and beautiful that's why I'm trying to set you up. You don't have someone already do you?" Ellen grinned menacingly and Mariah winced at the direction the conversation was going in.

"No sadly." Ellen only grinned wider. Mariah started to blush then, thinking about the only person she could think about, Simon.

"Then what is it? Are hollywood men not hot enough?" Mariah thought her taste was more along the lines of FIFA youtubers, or really just the one.

"Oh my gosh no that's not it, I suppose you can say I've got a crush." Mariah let it slip before a second thought crossed her mind, her face only turned more red then.

"A crush? Who is this guy, he must be someone special if you're afraid to tell him you like him?" Ellen leaned forward peering into Mariah's eyes, the crowd laughed along as Mariah curled into herself, cringing and blushing.

"If I say anything he'll know." She mumbled through her hands that were attempting to cover her face.

"Oh okay I see. How long have you had this crush?" Ellen spoke down to her as if she were a child and honestly Mariah felt like one.

"This is gonna sound lame, everyone will feel bad for me now, but years actually," the crowd erupted into sympathetic aww-ing, "yeah, 'aww,' is right I've liked him for as long as I liked boys I think." Ellen pouted as Mariah shrugged at how misfortunate she was.

"Honey that's not just a crush then. The internet is gonna do everything now to find this guy, and if they don't I will. We all wish you the best of luck and if this guy has half a brain he'll reciprocate your feelings." Ellen said and put her hand on Mariah's knee.

"I can only hope." She said somberly and Ellen gave her a little smile. Mariah left the stage soon after and she felt sick to her stomach. She had told everyone watching, including Simon, that she had a crush, the want to not exist was very real for Mariah at that moment.

She knew her phone would blow up as soon as she got hold of it so instead of talking to anyone she went to her dressing room and ate junk food. Eventually she was told she had to leave by her manager and it was time to go back to the hotel.

The first thing Mariah did when she got her phone back was call Logan. Of course he started to yell at her excitedly for being such a crazy bitch but then after realizing Mariah wasn't excited he toned it down.

"Honey what's wrong? You should be happy, now you don't have to carry around a secret."

"I know I should feel relieved but I don't. I feel as if any moment now everything will come crashing down, he'll find out and then the world will implode because he doesn't feel the same. Everything will be ruined Logan."

"You can't think like that. Simon likes you anyone within ten feet of you two together can see that, but you have to tell him before everyone else figures it out."

"Yeah I should, hopefully by the time I get back the world is still clueless." Logan agreed and told Mariah to get some sleep since it was 3 am in America and her body still hadn't  adjusted to the time zones. Eventually she found sleep.

Mariah went into Twitter the next day, automatically tweets flooded in about her mystery man. It was trending, everyone was losing their minds trying to figure out who it was. Most of them said JJ, others said random celebrities she barely knew. Luckily no one guessed it was Simon.

Mariah texted in the group chat after being silent for almost a day. She had read some of the messages after the interview but at some point just like everything else they became too much for her to handle.


Mariah: hi again it's me

minty: oh for fuck's sake
you make one mistake in your life and it haunts you forever


I needed to chill after the interview
I didn't anticipate the world
reacting as it did

I've seen fangirls turn into Sherlock overnight because of your interview

Toebee: bitch I turned into Sherlock overnight

Star: you have to tell us who it is

Zingu: it's JJ isn't it?

I'll tell you when I come back
and no it's not JJ

JJ: yeah it's not me



Mariah: proud of you olajide

you come back in like a couple days hopefully the fangirls figure it out quickly because I'm on the edge of my seat

bloody hell i hope they don't

A/n: what will happen next I wonder??? Jk I don't have to wonder I know everything
Leave a comment if you want me to update and don't forget to update :)

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