twenty six: nando's

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Good morning! I'm about to go to sleep so I thought I'd say I hope you had fun last night since I did :)

Your (lack of) sleep schedule
never fails to surprise me 😂
and I had a great time
you think the guys would mind if I came over later today?
Reply when you wake up no rush :)


Mariah missed Simon already which she knew was entirely too lame, but she couldn't help but love the feeling of missing someone. She was happy all day, knowing everyone was noticing but not caring nevertheless.

Once she got home she checked the time vehemently noticing Simon should be awake soon. Logan noticed and rolled his eyes only making a whip noise. Mariah flipped him off and then lunged for her phone when it buzzed on the counter. Simon said it was fine by them and that she could come over whenever he just had to film a couple videos.

Mariah replied with she'd be over in two hours so it gave him some time to film.


"JJ!" Mariah hugged him as he opened the door to which he was surprised by.

"Uhm okay hi?" She rolled her eyes and walked in past him. "You're super happy today, did you and Simon fuck or something?" Mariah instantly blushed and punched JJ's arm.

"Shut the hell up no we didn't, I'm just happy alright?" She said quietly in case Simon was nearby, JJ laughed infectiously.

"Ooohhhkay if you say so." He said still full of suspicion as he walked back upstairs. Mariah followed him only to turn towards Simon's room. She knocked before entering only entering when Simon said to come in.

"Hey you're here!" Simon said cheerily, spinning around in his chair. Mariah grinned back at him.

"Yeah, are you done for today?" She nodded towards the computer and Simon nodded. He had one more to film but for her it could wait, it wasn't like Simon was behind on videos anyway.

"Great how was your day? Or yesterday should I say?" Mariah asked and Simon was glad to tell her everything. He had missed her after their date was over mostly because he couldn't stop thinking about her as he tried to film and then sleep and function as a human. Simon talked about the videos he filmed and he didn't understand how she could possibly interested but she was. He asked about her day and she said there were some boring meetings but he didn't seem to mind the boring details and Mariah just talked and talked until she didn't have an excuse to stare into his eyes.

They were lying on their backs next to each other on his bed just talking when Mariah's stomach growled and then so did Simon's. Mariah checked her phone to see what time it was only to see it was 11 and they hadn't had anything to eat for dinner. Simon was shocked to see 3 hours had been spent just talking to her and it felt like nothing in fact he could probably do it forever without noticing.

"Hey Simon can we go for Nando's?" Mariah suggested and Simon thought it was a good idea since they were both clearly hungry and he didn't want to spend a minute away from her.

"Yeah sure do you wanna drive?" Simon said smirking since he loved her car and she chuckled.

"Nah I've never ridden in your car, maybe it's time I do." Mariah grinned as the two started to head down.

"Fair enough." Simon grabbbed his keys and made his way to his car. Mariah took a seat on the passenger side and smiled at him. Simon realized she had never seen him with glasses on so in attempts to be inconspicuous he pulled them on while she was settling in.

"Before you ask I only wear them for driving." He said gesturing to his glasses.

"You look good Minter, so I'm not complaining." Mariah marveled at how he seemed to look hotter with them on. It seemed like it should be impossible but he made it work.

"Stop flirting with me jeez!" Simon exclaimed teasingly, and Mariah chuckled

"I can't because it's true!" She tried to defend herself, playing along.

"Shit I'm blushing" Simon pressed his hands to his face trying to cool them down but with Mariah resting her head on her palm and looking at him so intently he couldn't possibly calm down.

"You're also cute." Mariah added knowing just how much it was getting to him.

"This is unfair." He grumbled back. Simon was at the disadvantage as he had to focus on driving and not having a heart attack due to her comments.

"Alright I'll stop." Mariah said then started flip through radio stations, only to land on Baby by Justin Bieber. Simon groaned and she refrained from switching the channel. Mariah didn't mind the song since she sang it whenever she was upset and it somehow managed to make her happy.

She started to sing along causing Simon to laugh. Then she began belting it out and he joined in. They were insanely off key and basically screaming with the windows down but once the song ended they were laughing so hard it became difficult to breathe.

"I think we should audition for X Factor." Mariah suggested and Simon nodded.

"Are you kidding? We don't need X Factor, we could get a record deal within a day." Simon kept a straight face as he looked at her.

"You're right I'm sorry I undermined our talent." Mariah said seriously biting her lips to hold back laughter. They pulled into the Nando's parking lot and rushed in. They were just about to close so Mariah and Simon ordered quickly and sat down.

"Mariah Johnson? What the fuck! I'm such a big fan do you mind if I get a picture?" A teenage girl approached them as they sat down. Mariah's heart was beating uncontrollably as she looked at the girl and then Simon. She nodded at the girl and thanked her for support. Luckily the girl didn't notice Simon, and he was barely in the picture.

"That was so close." Simon rushed out as the girl left and Mariah nodded. They had never thought about what would happen if their fans noticed them out together.

A/n: updating after a v long time and I'm shit at author's notes so yeah please keep supporting this X.

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