twenty-seven: netflix & chill

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After getting Nando's it was getting late so Simon insisted Mariah just sleep on his bed and he would take the couch since driving at 1 am wasn't the smartest idea.

"Are you sure? I could just sleep on the couch downstairs?" Mariah offered after frowning at Simons proposal of giving up his bed. Of course she was melting at the fact he wasn't acting like a pig but honestly she wouldn't mind sleeping in the same bed as him.

"I'm fine I've slept on that bed a million times in fact I'm sick of it I'll take the couch any day." Simon said to make her feel better and it worked since he got a heart-breaking smile from her. Mariah nodded then seemingly satisfied.

"You wouldn't happen to have a shirt I can borrow would you?" Mariah said as she realized she couldn't sleep in the clothes she was wearing they were far too uncomfortable. Simon nodded and handed her a Sidemen shirt laying around that he had many similar to. Mariah thanked him and went to his bathroom to change into it only realizing she forgot pants. "I'm such a fucking idiot." She mumbled to herself. Mariah considered her options and realized the only thing she could do was hope Simon was lying down and the lights were off.

She slowly cracked the door open and saw Simon had his back turned towards where she had the door open. The shirt was long on her that it came to her mid thigh but she still sprinted to the bed and jumped under the covers. Simon turned around at the sound of the movement and gave her a confused look. Mariah grinned back and he just scoffed.

He had changed while she changed and he settled onto the couch. Mariah saw him shift a couple times in the dark not getting comfortable and she felt bad about how comfortable she was. "Simon?" She said timidly and he made a noise in response. "You can take the other side of the bed I usually sleep on the right anyways." She said barely over a whisper since it felt right in the dark room. "You sure?" He mumbled and she nodded only to realize he couldn't see her and she hummed a yes in response. Simon climbed sluggishly off of the couch and into bed.

"I usually sleep on the left." He said without realizing he said it he wasn't overly tired but something in his brain wasn't processing what was happening. Mariah realized 2 am was probably too early for him to sleep.

"You're not sleepy are you babe?" She turned onto her side to face and he turned towards her his eyes wide awake. He shook his head and she found it absolutely adorable the way he looked with his head barely poking out of the covers. Mariah couldn't resist the urge to kiss him. The entire scene was too much for her heart to handle but if she didn't think too long or hard about it her heart wouldn't jump out of her chest from beating so hard.

"How bout we watch Netflix until you get tired or if you have work to get done I can stay up with you? I have no plans tomorrow." Mariah whispered and Simon smiled at her, a look in his eyes she didn't quite understand. Honestly Simon couldn't believe Mariah was real how had he gotten so lucky?

"I don't wanna spend a second doing something that isn't spending time with you so Netflix will have to do." Simon muttered and Mariah could have sworn her heart stopped but instead she leaned forward and kissed him again for longer this time. Simon was going a bit insane knowing they were so close and she kept kissing him and he would give anything to kiss her for the rest of time.

Simon reached for the remote next to his bed and put on Netflix switching on stranger things which they only watched together. Mariah had seen the entirety before but she didn't care since Simon would make her laugh with his comments and she would make him laugh back. They sat up then and leaned against the back of the bed Mariah moved in closer to Simon and rested her head on his shoulder both her arms around his torso. Simon hadn't cuddled anyone in a long time so he slowly moved his arms to hold her back pulling her in a little closer. Soon enough their limbs were entangled and Simon could hardly focus on anything besides the fact that Mariah's right leg was loosely on top of his legs.

They had gone through two episodes in this position and Simon had paid attention to bits and pieces. They took a break then and he went to bathroom to try and calm down. Mariah freaked out as soon as he left, she was cuddling Simon Minter her crush since the dawn of time, the one guy that made her legs jelly and her heart beat as fast as sports car. After about two minutes the two had regained themselves and Simon came back out.

"Midnight snack?" He asked and Mariah climbed out of bed and followed him out. At this point her attempts of hiding her lack of pants had completely failed so she didn't bother covering any more she just prayed the other guys stayed in their rooms. Simon took her hand in his not that he necessarily needed to lead her anywhere she didn't know where to go but he missed the feel of it there.

Mariah sat down on the island as Simon fished in the pantry for something to eat. He found a bag of chips that was half empty. Mariah got a glass of water while he was in there and after she finished and set it down she found Simon blushing and ripping his gaze away from her. She gave him a quizzical look leaning back on the counter with her arms crossed. He shrugged then opened his mouth and closed it only to open it again and say, "now that I'm seeing you in the light that shirt looks damn good on you." Simon spoke blatantly almost challenging her with his gaze to see what she would do. Mariah flushed as her heath rate began to increase once again and a not so familiar flame engulfed her body. She didn't say anything but instead walked upstairs leaving Simon confused and had followed en suite nonetheless.

As soon as Simon closed the door of his room Mariah took the bag out of his hands and set it down on his couch. Simon was still confused but as Mariah stepped towards him and he moved back against the door he understood what was happening. She stood up on her toes and leaned into him as their lips touched. Her body now flush against his, hands moving to link behind his neck. Simon gasped into the kiss as she had him pressed up against him between her and his door. Mariah's hand raked through his hair eliciting a groan of approval from Simon. He flipped it around then Mariah groaned as he lifted slightly and pushed her against the door her legs wrapping around his own. Simon kissed his way down her neck making Mariah arch her back into him. His hands grabbed at her hips, the shirt riding up slowly now to his fortune.

Mariah could've stayed like that forever but things could only get better and Simon realized this too. He pulled back seeing her eyes filled with the same passion as his he effortlessly moved both of them to his bed setting her down only to move on top of her and kiss her again. Things only escalated from there.


"Fucking hell." Simon gasped out as he rolled onto his back away from Mariah. She was out of breath at this point too. She knew Simon was hot but after that Mariah doubted she would every find anything hot ever again besides her boyfriend. Simon could've died from sheer happiness if Mariah wasn't still next to him.

"That" Mariah could take an oath and say Simon was the best she ever had and would ever have. Simon nodded and kissed her forehead. Mariah snuggled up to him with her head resting on his bare chest and she fell asleep. Simon fell asleep easily after that too.

A/n: yah girls been a bitch and didn't update for twenty seven hundred years so here's a slightly more action packed chap if you will I try to keep it pg-13 bc smut is cringey for me to write and for you guys to read so soz hope you liked the chap don't forget to comment and vote X.

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