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The sound of the soldiers' boots pounding against the street filled the air as Ash stepped out of the chopper. In less than an hour, Stage Three would begin. Stage Two was complete. Teams one and two had surrounded the White House and the escape tunnels. On Claudia's signal, teams three, four and five would enter the tunnels and locate President Holmes.

Ash walked over to the where the Altered had gathered behind the line of soldiers around the building. He spotted Hestia and Wren and approached them.

"Are your teams ready?" he asked.

"Team three is ready," Hestia said.

"So is team four," Wren added, her fingers brushing against her gun.

"Good." Ash turned to his team. "Team five, are you ready?"

The group answered affirmatively. Ash pulled out his phone, ready to take Claudia's call. "We move in on my mark," he said. "Be ready to fight."


Ivy's gaze flickered to the jetchopper. Summer stood in the chopper's doorway, ready to fly. They were moving at full speed towards Washington, but it wouldn't be fast enough. They hadn't planned on arriving in for a few weeks.

They needed to take the jetchopper, and not everyone would be able to fit.

"Supers," Dr. Newman said as the last few kids trickled onto the deck. "Scorpion is in D.C. right now. Their attack is underway and we must do everything we can to stop them.

"Unfortunately, the Fortuna is not close enough to D.C. for us to make it in time to fight. Our only choice is to take the jetchopper. We will fit as many as we can, of course, but only about sixteen of you will be able to go."

Ivy closed her eyes. They weren't even in Washington and it was already a disaster.

All of their recruiting and training had been for nothing.

Summer chose some of the most experienced and skilled Supers to take the trip. Ivy was surprised when she added Ivy and Claire to the team.

"You guys have come a long way with your training," she told them as she gestured for them to enter the helicopter. "Your abilities will definitely be helpful."

On one hand, Ivy was flattered, but on the other she was terrified. Part of her wanted to stay behind. But being on the ground, fighting, would be better than pacing around the ship wondering what was happening.

"Sorry, Spencer," Summer said. "You can't bring the dog."

"But he has powers," Spencer protested.

"We have no idea how he'll act in a fight. The dog stays."

Spencer sighed. "Sorry, buddy," he said as he petted Ace.

They managed to fit eighteen Supers in the jetchopper. Ivy found herself pressed up against the window. She watched the ship deck grow smaller as they lifted into the air. The chopper shifted into jet mode and they were off, soaring toward D.C.

Ivy scowled when she caught a glimpse of Victoria on the other side of the chopper. She had to admit, though, that Victoria was a smart choice. She was a good fighter and had learned to control three copies of herself at once.

The minutes flew by, and soon the White House was passing by below them. Ivy was alarmed by all the black and red in the street. Black jetchoppers and red soldiers.

Summer took them a few streets away from the building and landed the chopper in a small group of trees near a grassy park. The Supers, who had been talking amongst themselves a few moments before, grew quiet when she exited the cockpit.

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