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"Sir, the engine modifications are complete."

Walter Newman turned to face the technician standing next to him. "Do they work?" he asked.

The tech nodded. "They should," he said. "If the engine functions as well as the one in the jetchopper, we should be able to reach D.C. within a couple hours. We can't go as nearly fast as the chopper, of course, and it will take a lot of fuel..."

"Tell the captain to put the ship at full speed," Newman told him. If there was a chance they could reach Washington in time to help the Supers, he had to take it, no matter what the cost.


The three Altered charging at Claire flew backwards, thrown by an invisible force. Claire turned and telekinetically pushed aside Seth, whose sister Hestia was leading the attack. Seth flung out his arm and a piece of the metal railing broke off. It flew at Claire and hit her in the stomach.

Claire stumbled backwards and landed hard on the ground. They were so close to entering the building, but Scorpion had them outnumbered. If it weren't for Victoria's duplicates, it would be even worse.

Spencer appeared in front of Claire and held out his hand. She let him help her to her feet. "You good?" he asked.

Claire nodded and looked at the door that led inside. "We just need to get past them," she said. "Get inside before they can stop us, then keep them out."

"Right," Spencer muttered, looking around. "What about Victoria? Could she make more copies of herself to distract them?"

"I don't know," Claire said. "I've never seen her make more than three. She said it's hard to control them if there's more, or if they're too far away."

"Maybe she doesn't need to control them. We just need to distract the Altered and make a run for the door."

"I'll ask her," Claire said. Spencer nodded and disappeared into the battle. Claire turned and spotted Victoria, or one of her copies, fighting Hestia nearby. Claire concentrated on Victoria's thoughts and sent her a mental message, asking her to make as many clones as possible.

I'll try, came Victoria's reply.

Claire turned in time to see Seth lunging at her. She threw out her arm in an attempt to stop him, but she was too slow. He shoved her backwards and she collided with the catwalk railing.

Claire ducked, dodging Seth's punch, and with a flick of her wrist sent him tumbling to the ground. Her gaze darted to the right and found Victoria. Her eyes were closed in concentration, and copies were appearing around her.

Claire reached out for the other Supers' minds. Get inside the building, she mentally commanded.

As Victoria's copies appeared, the Altered turned to fight them. Claire grabbed the real Victoria's arm and sprinted across the catwalk. Spencer and the others followed.

"Don't let them reach the building!" Hestia shouted. Claire glanced back. Victoria's clones were flickering and disappearing. She turned her gaze forward and watched the door to the White House get closer and closer.

As they approached, Claire ripped the door off its hinges from a few feet back, letting Spencer fly into the building. Claire pulled Victoria inside. Once everyone was in, Spencer held out his arm and stared at the door.

Claire stopped to catch her breath as ice filled the doorway. Through the ice she could see the Altered drawing closer. Spencer narrowed his eyes in concentration and the ice grew thicker.

He let his hands drop and took a deep breath. "Man, I'm thirsty. Are there any water fountains in here?"

Claire shrugged and looked around. The sound of voices came from behind them. She turned to see the third team walking towards them.

[OLD] The Supers Experiment (#1)Where stories live. Discover now