Pen and paper

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The students in Hamilton High School's creative writing class were kept busy one Monday morning. Some students were working feverishly, brainstorming ideas for their poetry assignments. The rest were either texting, listening to music on their headphones, or sleeping.

Jasmine was one of the students that was focusing on their assignment. She was staring at the notes that she jotted down on the paper in front of her, as she repeatedly tapped her pen against her chin, deep in thought.

Next to her, Phillipa  was resting her upper body on Jasmine  chemistry textbook, while rapidly texting on her cell phone, smiling broadly.

"Pip , stop texting Lin ," Jasmine  scolded, looking towards her best friend. "You're going to get him in trouble with his teacher."

"Don't worry, it's not like I'm bugging him during an important lesson or anything," Phillipa  replied, as she sent off her message. "The entire fashion class is working on clothing lines, not taking notes."

"Well, you should still stop," Jasmine  suggested. "Lin  can't text and work at the same time. "

"Oh, don't be so dramatic," Phillipa  said, as she anxiously stared at her phone, waiting for a reply from him .

Jasmine sighed and asked, "Can't you two lovebirds wait until lunch to talk? You should start brainstorming for your poetry assignment. It's due in a week."

"Oh, I'll just write about Lin ," Phillipa  answered. "Problem solved."

"At least try and make it meaningful," Jasmine  suggested, as she wrote down several more notes onto her paper. "Poems take time to write and they can't be rushed."

"Oh, I'm used to being rushed," the Queen of Procrastination explained. "Don't worry, I can handle it."

Jasmine  sighed and went back to brainstorming more ideas for her poem. She was about to write down something when a folded piece of paper landed onto her desk. She looked up to see who threw it and noticed Anthony  winks at her from across the room.

Impressed with the astonishing aiming skills of her friend, she unfolded the piece of paper, which contained only three words written in blue ink:

Tellurium_Americium, Oxygen

"What's that you got there?" Phillipa  asked, noticing the paper in Jasmine's  hands.

"Anthony  just tossed it to me," Jasmine  explained, handing her the sheet. "It's just a list of elements in the periodic table."

"Periodic table?" Phillipa  questioned, perplexed, since she was not a chemistry student.

"Yeah, a chart that clearly organizes many different elements into their appropriate categories," Jasmine  explained, as clearly as she could. "Oxygen, hydrogen, chlorine, stuff like that."

"Well, why would he send you a list of these elements?" Phillipa  questioned, confused.

"Beats me," Jasmine  replied, shrugging her shoulders.

Phillipa  looked at the sheet of paper again and, after a minute or two, said, "Maybe he's trying to tell you something."

"So, are you saying that the list of elements is some coded message or something?" Jasmine  asked.

"Probably," Phillipa replied. "Now, if we could only decode it..."

Jasmine  leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes, trying to figure out what Anthony  was trying to tell her. There had to be something that the elements on the sheet were representing. But what could they possibly symbolize?

Suddenly, Jasmine's  eyes flew open as realization hit her like a ton of bricks. Symbolize!

"Symbols!" Jasmine  blurted out, startling Phillipa .

"What?" Phillipa  asked, curiously. "Did you figure it out?"

"Yeah, the periodic table contains way too many elements," Jasmine  explained. "Too many, in fact, that they have to be listed by their symbols, so they would all fit."

"Care to enlighten me?" phillipa  asked, raising an eyebrow.

Jasmine  responded by grabbing the chemistry textbook that Phillipa  was resting on, much to her best friends  annoyance. She quickly flipped to the back of the book, where the periodic table was located.

"Okay," Jasmine  said, fingering her pen. "What's the first element again?"

"Tellurium," Phillipa  read, her eyes on the paper.

Jasmine  nodded and located the element in the periodic table. Once she spotted it, she wrote its symbol down on the sheet of paper used for her poetry brainstorming:


"Next element," Jasmine  demanded, anxiously.

Phillipa  glanced at the page again and said, "Americium."

After finding the element in the periodic table, she quickly wrote down its symbol, separate from the first one, just like it was written on Anthony  note:

Te Am

"Last element," Jasmine requested, her heart rate increasing.

"Oxygen," Phillipa replied, turning to her best friend.

It did not take long for Jasmine  to find the symbol for oxygen in the periodic table. She wrote it down next to the second symbol, like the elements were written in Anthony's note.

Te AmO

"Oh, wow," Jasmine  said, appalled, as she stared at the decoded message.

"Even I know what that means," Phillipa  said, with a smirk. "He's totally into you."

Jazzy  bit her bottom lip and excitedly looked up at Anthony , who gestured with his hand that he would call her later. She nodded, blushing bright red.

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