Woke up married ?

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//it's janthony first time doing it and they  don't remember it ! following the morning after last night on Jasmine's and Anthony's insta snap but I have my own spin to it :) .//

Anthony woke up fuzzier than usual-his first thought was, oh no, if I have a cold we'll have to postpone rehearsal. His mouth was dry, and his head was all tight and achy, like somebody had poured sand inside it when he wasn't looking. He rubbed his eyes, wincing a little, and tried to focus on the ceiling.

It took him a minute to remember where he was. In a hotel, sure he didn't mind but it was something else hat bothers him .he'd come out early to spend some time with jasmine and the gang, and holy crap wait a second he was naked.

Anthony sat straight up, a move that jerked the covers down the bed and made the equally naked person next to him look up and blink in the sudden sunlight, and—

"Anthony ?" Jasmine said blearily. "What's the matter ?" She said sleepy too

"Oh, no," Anthony said, and fell out of bed.

He landed mostly on his side, with one foot and arm still tangled in the covers. He fought his way out of them.

Jasmine's head appeared over the side of the bed. "Anthony ?"

"Still here." Still naked. Oh, he was in so much trouble.

"Come back up here." Jasmine reached a hand down. "This is Vegas, I don't think you should be sprawled out on the carpet."

A flash of memory from the night before hit him, and he felt all the blood draining from his face. "Too late," he said faintly.

Jasmine stared down at him, confused, for a split second, and then it hit her too. "Holy shit."

"Oh God." Anthony crawled to his feet, batting Jasmine's hand aside, and looked around frantically. His boxers and black jeans were crumpled together next to the desk; he picked them up and tried desperately to untangle them.

"Anthony ," he heard Jasmine say from behind him, but he wasn't looking, he wasn't looking, he was just going to put on his clothes, he was, oh God. "Anthony , whoa, calm down. It's all right."

"It's the exact opposite of all right," Anthony said, yanking harder. Something ripped. "We had sex jasmine ,I wanted our first time to be special ."

There was a bit of a pause. "Look Anthony it's fine ..."

"No," he said, then caught his own angry tone and frowned. He turned back to the bed-keeping his jeans carefully bunched up in front of him-and made himself smile at jasmine . "I wish it was more special then us being drunk ."

She grinned back. She was sitting cross-legged on the bed, sheet barely covering her lap, and the sun glinted off the gold necklace that lay on her bare chest and the ring she was playing with on her hand. He felt something twist hard in his chest. No. Bad. Okay. Okay. He shook the jeans, and they knocked a bunch of papers off the desk. He leaned down to pick them up.

He started to set everything back down and then stopped and grabbed the one on top back up again. "Jasmine . Jas !"


He put on his boxers, turned around and clambered onto the bed, abandoning his jeans. "It's okay!"

"I told you it was-"

"No, it's really okay!" He kissed Jasmine full on the mouth before shoving the paper in front of her confused face. "See?"

She looked down at it, shook her head hard, and then read it again. "We're-" Her voice went up a couple of octaves. "We're married?"

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