I'd Wait Forever And A Day For You

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Anthony POV

I don't know how long that ray of sunlight had been peeking through the gap in the curtains before it found its way to my face, or how long it took me to become aware of it.

I'd been dreaming that I was my ten year old self, In a corn field, shouting someones name out loud. I could never remember what the name was because my voice was always faded in the dream. A girl around my age with rich brown eyes, dark hair smoothly falling past her shoulders, a big smile, and faint pink cheeks. She walked up to me, gave me a hug and whispered these words into my ears, I'm coming soon, I promise. When I wanted to respond, she disappeared, leaving me to talk to myself. I was getting strange dreams like this everyday, with the same girl, the same setting, me calling out a name, her hugging me, her whispering in my ear, her disappearing and me left by myself.

I fought to ignore the sunbeam, to get back to my dream, to find out more about the girl, but the moment had passed. I could hear the sound of cars speeding down the road, the chatter of people as they walked down the street, and the sound of stores opening. New York  had woken up.

I rubbed my knuckles into my eyes to drive away the sleep and took a glance at my alarm clock.10:15. Without remembering what day it was, I immediately ran into the kitchen to see Stephanie , my sister, engulfed in a bowl of Fruit Loops.

She looked up and smiled at me."Had a good night sleep?"

I sighed at her as I ran my fingers through my hair."Could be better." I took the milk carton that was next to her and drank the rest.

She punched me on the arm."Now I cant drink that anymore. It has your germs all over it."

I rolled my eyes."So? We are siblings , I'm sure we have the same germs."

"Yes, but your a boy..boys germs are ten times grosser.." She whined as she finished up her cereal.

"Get over it. If you care so much about your milk then buy some more." I took a seat next to her.

"Attitude." She mumbled under her breath."How about we go to the mall?"

"I dont feel like it." I replied to her.

"Oh come on, Anthony ! Live a little, I hate to see you down in the dumps. Ever since Jasmine..." Her voice trailed off and she started to fiddle with her bracelet.

"Look steph , I just dont feel like going anywhere today." I stood up and walked over to my room.

I shut the door, sat on my bed, and looked at my calendar. Everyday was ticked off, representing the days   6785 days since my best friend left me.  her in my life. Yes, I was counting. I missed everything about her; her hair, smile, everything. I guess you don't know what you have until its gone, and what hurt me more was the fact that she never told me she was leaving until the very day she left.


Anthony  was swinging on a swing besides Jasmine  who was deep in her thoughts to notice anything.

Jasmine  looked at Anthony  and bit her lip." Hey Anthony , do you know what a kiss is?"

Anthony  immediately stopped swinging and took a long look at her."Why are you asking me this question?"

"Because I heard my friend  talk about it the other day..I'm just curious, that's all." She stared at the ground and played with her neon pink converses.

Anthony  went silent for a while, then responded." I think it's when two people share their germs with each other...although I don't exactly know why you would want someones germs.."

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