:Chapter 28:

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I watched Isabella as she held the Xbox controller while playing Call of Duty: Ghosts. 'She is so pretty when slaughtering people via a video game!' I rolled my eyes at Ash. He was pretty much dedicated to Isabella. 'I love her!' 'I bet she has collar for you.' Ash went silent after that. Isabella had put a collar on us in wolf form and dragged us around on a leash. Ash hadn't been happy and gave her a big scare but apologized later after realizing how much he had scared her.

"That's not fair! Your cheating!" Derik yelled at Isabella. She had a grin. "Don't be a sore loser." Isabella said with a smirk. "Meanie!" "Loser!" "Muncher." "Dummy." "Dumb head." "Dingus!" "Cheater once again!" "Pumpkin!" "Doughnut." "Cake." "Cupcake." "French Macaroon." Derik stopped after Isabella called him a French Macaroon and Isabela gave a victory pump then a smirk to a fuming Derik.

"Dalton your turn." Isabella said giving me a smile and handing me the controller then scooting over on the couch for me. 'Yes! Time to impress Isabella with our video game skills!' 'She'd be more impressed if we could fire a gun and hit the target.' 'She did give us a small glock to use.'

Last summer we had gone to Whispering-Waters, a quiet town. A wendigo had attacked us and other people. Isabella and I had gone to a shooting range and Isabella stole the small glock for me. 'So romantic!' Yeah whatever. I took the controller and sat down. Derik looked at me and mouthed that he was gonna crush me.

The door opened right then and my Mom came in with Isaac and Alex. She held a bunch of groceries. "Could you help me bring in the groceries." Mom asked as she hauled off three bags to the kitchen. There was some groaning but none of my brothers didn't go up to get some. Even Derik joined in with helping get he groceries in. Isabella was set on the leather chair, Aries at her feet as she pet his head.

I followed my brothers outside but not before grabbing a coat. It was winter in New York and the weather was cold. Yes I was a werewolf and ran hot but I could still feel the cold and it did bother me. Don't listen to those books that say the weather has no effect on werewolves, it does. Werewolves tend to get moody on stormy days, similar to animals. 'I hate thunderstorms.'

I stalked off towards a sleek black mini van that belonged to my Mom. It was one of the few cars here that weren't sports cars. When you have lots of children you tend to get a mini van. It was a newer model. Mom got road rage. 'It gets scary.'

Across our yard was Christmas decorations. From Santa, to reindeers, to those lights in the trees and the projector lights. Mom loved Christmas and liked to go out for it. Even the town decorated up. In the middle of Greenburg a large green tree sat in the middle covered in decorations and a star. The trunk to the mini van was open and was flowing with groceries. Rory and Rodney collected some and headed inside. I did the same and soon we were in a routine of in and out grabbing the groceries and bringing them inside.

Hades and Gracie were downstairs sniffing the bags and soon Aries was following in the two shepherds footsteps. Isabella had gotten up and followed us into the kitchen where everyone was putting away food. Isaac sat in his chair and pointed at Isabella and laughed. Isaac really liked Isabella, I thought is was cute. "Hello Isabella." My Mom said greeting Isabella who watched as everyone got out the food.

"Hello Mrs. Ashford." Isabella said cracking her knuckles. "Call me Danielle." My Mom said for the thousandth time to Isabella. 'I find it so cute how proper Isabella can be.' That was true. Around adults Isabella got so proper and tried to act extremely kind and nice. It was adorable watching her do it. "Are you staying for dinner?" My Mom asked raising a white eyebrow. Isabella nodded as she cracked her knuckles. My Mom nodded with a smile.

""I hope you like enchiladas." My Mom told Isabella as she took out the ingredients for the dinner. Isabella nodded as she watched everyone quietly. Most of the food has been stored away. So I retreated to the table next to a peaceful Isabella. 'So unusual. But I like it.' Ash was probably grinning like an idiot. 'Don't judge me!' Ash had practically began building up another world around Isabella.

"You gonna tell her about the Redwolf in the basement?" Isabella asked. Yeah, the warriors had come and were now watching the Redwolf like a hawk. Plus there was no way to the holding cell accept through the house. A house filled with Alpha blood. 'I will kill any Redwolf besides Derik and Aki. Aki is cool.' Aki was Derik's wolf. A very aggressive wolf. Derik still had amnesia but he remembered some but not a lot.

Isaac sat in his highchair with a bottle of juice in his sippy cup. "Izabella." Isaac said pointing at her. I smiled at my brother before scooting towards him. "Yeah that's Izabella." I said pointing at Isabella who was helping my Mom get out food. "She's gonna be my girlfriend." I told him with a smile-smirk. Isaac poked my face and giggled. 'Isabella will be out girlfriend. I know she will. One day it will happen.' I smiled at that.

After helping my Mom get the meat out she retreated to the table. "Christmas here right?" Isabella asked raising an eyebrow. "Yeah. Not anything big though." I told her meaning it this time. Isabella nodded as she drummed her fingers on the table. "Ryne has been blowing up my phone with questions on how I'm doing." Isabella groaned. I nodded.

"So I wanted to ask you if you'd like to go have some froyo with me?" I asked Isabella gaining some gut. "Your paying for it though." Isabella said. I nodded a small smile on my face. "In two days." I told her. Isabella nodded. I smiled. "Well looks like I'm gonna be here longer than expected got a shirt I can wear." Isabella said looking at what she was wearing.

She was in nothing but padding. "Yeah. I can get something." I said as I fixed my shirt and headed off to my room. Isabella was gonna be wearing my shirt or hoodie depeding on how I feel. But that means she'll smell like me. Close as I can get to claiming for now.

1125. Hey! So I am doing an updating flood. Have to get a lot for the specials. I'm hoping before Valentines day I will be done with this book. I don't know how many books will be in here but I know a lot will. So I am happy. Then there will be a second series. Until next time happy marshmallows.

 Until next time happy marshmallows

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