:Chapter 33:

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I sat in my bed with a college ruled notebook and a pencil. On the top it said in big slick letters, Prank Ideas for War. I had spilled milk all over Andrew then he declared a pranking war on me. But that wouldn't scare me, I'd crush him. Make him grovel for mercy. 'That's the spirit!'

I wrote down gluing Andrew to a chair, that'd be funny. He'd try to get up and then he'd rip his pants off. It'd be absolutely hilarious. 'There's the evil girl that I know and love.' Satan was grinning. That's all I need for today. Shutting the notebook I hid it underneath my bed then turned off the lights and turned on the T.V.

I got into bed and rolled onto my side facing the T.V. which was playing some stupid horror movie. I know they say don't play horror movies at night, but I've seen worst then this. With my own eyes. Not on some T.V. screen. The lights were on since it was morning. About two days since Christmas. 'Finally the day of celebrating my nemesis is over!' 'I'm gonna set up a shrine to him if you don't stop this.' 'You wouldn't dare.' 'Try me.'

Satan huffed before quieting down giving my brain the ability to relax. I was thinking of ways to also confront Red Claws and where to put the tea set. Dalton said we'd be getting it a little late since the burner broke down. I found that a little suspicious so I was keeping it on mind too. But it wasn't a main priority compared to Red Claws.

They could literally attack at any moment if they desired. This wasn't like the rogue war so they weren't sending people in many positions to prepare for an attack. I feel like they are underestimating Red Claws. Lots of people did since the rogue attack on the pack that killed the Alpha. No one knows what happened to the Luna or her child. They were presumed dead. Well until now when Derik's presence got announced. No one knew who did it but Red Claws found out and now they want their Alpha.

It confuses me though. All the sudden they want an Alpha, it has been years since the attack, maybe 6-9 years since it happen. Now here they were banging on Black Crescent Moon's door for their Alpha. I don't really know if Derik joined Black Crescent Moon or not, for all I know Dalton's parents simply gave him permission to live on their territory. If he was a lone wolf he always had friends even if we weren't werewolves.

'Do you think there could be were-hellhounds?' 'I don't know. Wouldn't a hellhound already be a were-hellhound since they turn into hellhound form and human form. So there would also be were-hounds of hell.' 'Speaking of hounds of hell. Pexhar found some information on a certain breed of them that he believes will be useful.'

Pexhar was a hellhound. He had curly black hair and red eyes and was built like a god damn wrestler. He was attractive I wouldn't deny it but he was very mean spirted and moody, until he found out I was Satan's Vessel all he did was be mean to me. I'd stick to Dalton who is very sweet and not sour like Pexhar. 'You just admitted to thinking Dalton was hot.'

I thought about it for moment then realized I technically did. 'You forget whatever I thought. And we never speak of it. To anyone!' 'Yes ma'am.' Satan gave me a mock salute. There was a knock on my door. "Come in!" I called out. Enyr pushed open the door. Enyr looked business like. He wore a black material jacket, black pants, and a grey button up shirt. I believe there was some hunting meeting, one I wasn't invited to probably increasing my mood.

In his hands were some envelopes. "These were in the mail along with the bills. They are addressed to you." Enyr said looking at them before handing them to me. I was incredibly confused but I took them. There was no HO symbol on it or any of my friends. I opened the letter which contained a package. The package said NYU. It was a college letter. I opened another one that read YALE, then another one for School of Visual arts, then a New York Academy of arts. These were college letters.

"Enyr these are college letters. Offering scholarships." I said looking at them in interest. 'You are growing up so fast. I remember you when I first met you!' Enyr was quick to sit on the bed next to me. "What colleges?" Enyr asked looking down at the papers. "NYU, YALE, School of Visual Arts, and New York Academy of Arts." I said with a grin. Two major colleges wanted me that would make anyone's day. I'm sorta happy Dalton talked me into going to college. I am sure I can balance college and hunting, I mean I balance high school and hunting.

I am prepared for the worst. "Which would you accept?" Enyr asked looking at me. "I don't know. I'd have to think. NYU and Yale are major colleges but Yale is further away. And I don't want to go to far." I told Enyr. Yes I was use to travel due to hunting but I am beginning to settle here. Hunters will do that if they found a town they like and this town has lots of job offers. Greenburg after all is a very supernatural town. Not to mention isn't to far from major job cities.

Plus I got friends here that I wasn't just using for information. It might of started out that way in my head but I know I got real friends here. I don't plan on losing that. 'And a potential boyfriend.' I ignored Satan who simply snickered at me. "Well don't let anyone put strings on you. Don't forget there are also online classes for stuff like that." Enyr said giving me a smile.

With that Enyr got up and left with a little wave. I collected all the packages and set them in my nightstand drawer. I'd deal with that but I should start to get dressed. It was about ten in the morning. I stretched and got off the bed with a yawn as I headed towards me dresser. I opened some drawers and selected an outfit. A new outfit. This was a Harley Quinn long sleeved shirt and black leather pants with a Harley Quinn symbol on the side.

I was quick to put a brush through my hair before it became a snarled mess of knots. I looked my dresser which had stuff here and there. No make-up except an eyeliner I used about a year ago during my dark faze. Picking that up I threw it on the trash and replaced it with my new silver dagger I was given. I had gotten all sorts of weapons this year. I was given wooden bullets with silver cores.

"Maybe I should tell Dalton about the colleges. Maybe he got some letters too." I said to myself as I looked at myself in the mirror. I could see the scar on my bottom lip it was from fighting similar to the ones on my back and some on my arm. I had a werewolf once bite me. It might of not turned me but it hurt like a bitch. 'I remember that day. You got so mad you torched it then set a tree of fire which it took you forever to distinguish.'

When I was younger I had trouble controlling my powers. Still to this day I have trouble controlling them but I am learning. I can light the tips of candles now without lighting the whole candle on fire. With that I grabbed my iPhone 4 and dialed in Dalton's number. Got to know if he got something too.

1329. Ah. Another chapter. Sorry about the four day wait my interest was on another book but is back on this one now which is why a couple chapters will be updated. I hope you guys are enjoying this book as much as I am. I am trying to come up with a title for the next book and a plot. If you guys have a title suggestion feel free to comment. But it has to be with Satan in the front. Example: Satan's Wrath. Until next time free marshmallows.

 Until next time free marshmallows

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