Chapter 10

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"What is this?" Marine asked shaking.

She was in some black mud that was taking her down, but I'm certain that it's not quagmire.

"Amanda!" she screamed.

I took of my sweatshirt off and tied her to a rock.

"This will do."

"Are you kidding me? This is killing me, and you think that some shirt will keep me up."

"I'm going to get help."

"No way!" she raised her hands up and grabbed a rock above her head. "Go and find out what's in the pool. Go!"

"Marine! You could die!"

"No! You could die like all the others if you don't find out what it is! I don't want this guilt anymore!"

"It's not your fault, don't you get it? And it's not up to you. I'm getting help!"

She started pushing herself deeper and deeper into the mud.

"What are you doing?"

"If you do what you said you will, I'll kill myself!"

"You're bluffing! You therapists are learnt to fight against a suicide!"

"We both know how bad a therapist I am. Now go to that pool and see what it is, please. I'll get myself out."

She said slightly calmer. Again grabbed the big rock and now tried to pull herself out.

I slowed my steps and focused on the shallow pool which I could see now, and that was still dirty and full of some stuff.

I didn't hear anything, not the screeching scream, not the groaning. Nothing. Even the water was deadly calm. I was getting closer and closer when I decided to say something.

"Is there anyone?"

At first I felt like a moron, talking to myself, but I didn't mind later on.

"Hey.." I whispered.

I was a little afraid to approach, because it's possible that someone attacks me again and hurt me. I noticed a huge rock in the water and started lifting it away. It was really hard, but I had to do it if I wanted to know what's in there. After a lot of effort I made it. I pulled out the big heavy rock out of the pool and pushed it aside.

In the same moment something splashed and jumped up and down into the water splashing me, followed by the recognizable girl's groan.

I couldn't do anything but opened my eyes wide and my jaw dropped from what I saw.

"What did you do?" A girl with black eyes and pale skin said almost whispering with her hoarse deep voice.

I couldn't speak. I couldn't say anything. I was frozen.

"What did you do? Do you hear me?" She yelled with harsh voice, while getting closer to me, crawling with her arms.

I fell on the ground still looking at her.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" I barely muttered.

"You should left that rock where it was!"

Suddenly, she started feeling anxious and seemed lost. She gazed at my leg and saw it was bleeding. Then she quickly took me by a leg and pulled me up to her. She was too strong that it's impossible to explain it in words.

"It's you..." she whispered grinning.

I screamed the moment she touched me but no one could hear me. And when I say no one, I think of Marine.

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