8| Can we start again?

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Chapter 8: "Can we start again?"

Edited: 2/5/21

❤️Zoe's P.O.V

"Two teaspoon of baking soda. Yes, that one. No-That's a tablespoon." I said, looking at Tyrone amusingly.

He looked up, completely frustrated. It's been thirty minutes since we've started cooking and I could say that Tyrone really sucks at baking.

He messed up the easiest things like adding baking powder and baking soda. He doesn't know the difference of tablespoon and teaspoon is. He almost added one cup of salt instead of sugar, thank god I saw it before he could pour it all in the bowl.

Tyrone insisted that I was the one who should preheat the oven while I tell him what to do about the cake batter. Apparently he wants to learn a thing or two about baking.

As you know, I have strong love for food especially sweet foods. My mother absolutely loves baking and that's something I learned from her when I was small.

"What's the fucking difference? It's still a spoon." He snaps, as I showed him what the teaspoon is.

I glared,"The difference is if you add to too much, it can mess up the cake and trust me, you don't want that to happen." I said, turning to the bowl.

He sighed before watching me mix all the dry ingredients. A silence fell upon as but it wasn't awkward or anything.

"Can you check the oven?" I mumbled, stretching my arm so that he could move forward with our cuff hands.

I distractedly mixed the bowl, my thoughts drifting to Chica and Jax. I was very thankful for what they did, we weren't that close but they still went on and thought of something that could help me build a friendship with Tyrone.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when a huge white smoke envelope my senses. I gave out a gasp when I realized it was flour blown to my face by none other than Tyrone.

"What the hell?" I screeched out, coughing the flour everywhere.

I angrily turned to Tyrone, wiping the white away from my face. When he caught sight of my expression, he started laughing.

The sound making me freeze, it was deep and lively, completely the opposite of how he acts. He was clutching his side, his head thrown back slightly.

I paused, realizing that this is the first time I heard him laugh. I looked at him and felt star struck, his hair flopped messily and his lips were in a full on blown smile.

I bit my lip, stopping the smile from erupting. Ignoring him, I started to mix the ingredients but not before feeling something smack on my head.

I gasped, the goey feeling of eggs started to slide down from my hair and clothes. Turning to the laughing culprit who seems to be enjoying this too much.

"You fucking asshole." I cursed, taking a handful of flour before smacking it straight to his face.

This time, it was my turn to laugh at his bewildered expression and I didn't get the chance to stop him from taking the whole bowl and dumping the contents all over me.

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