30| The Talk

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Tyrone's P.O.V

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked, leaning against the wall.

The backyard was your typical lawn with a big pool. A few jocks were playing beer pong along with a couples who were taking a night swim.

A few drunk students were sprawled on the ground while some were talking animatedly from each other under the palm trees that strewn across the backyard.

I crossed my arms infront of Jane, my expression blank. We were at the corner where the bathrooms were located and was away from prying eyes.

"I'm aware that you know I have feelings for you right?" She asked, her eyes meeting with mine.

I nodded in answer. Ever since I stepped foot in school, Jane has shown her attraction to me and made it known to other girls that I was off limits.

It didn't bother me much not because I liked her too but because girls stay away from me.

And you all know how I hate talking to people who are outside my group.

Jane only verbally confessed her feelings last year to me but she didn't try to sleep with me and instead walked away after that.

"I know it's abit early to ask you but I was wondering if you'd like to be my date for the winter prom?" She confidently asked, a smile on her lips.

"I'm sorry Jane but I can't go with you. I've already chosen a date." I replied, frowning at the obvious hurt that flashed in her eyes before it was gone.

The smiled that graced her lips didn't leave her fave and instead, she nodded thoughtfully before looking at me.

"I could assume that you like that person as well?"

I didn't need to voice out my response because she could tell from the way a fleeting smile graced my lips upon thinking a certain red head.

She nodded once again and sighed, closing her eyes for a few moments.

"It hurts like a bitch and its funny because people know me as a bitch." She laughed at her own words, making me sigh.

"Just because you're a bitch doesn't mean you are less of a human Jane. I know you like me, you made that very obvious from the beginning. I'm not gonna apologize that I don't like you because it clearly shows that we aren't meant to be together. I'm not blind, I know that there's a feud going on between you and my girl but what's there to fight when I was never yours in the first place?" I started off, my words were harsh but I didn't say it to hurt her.

Jane eyes widened at my words. Taken aback that I spoke a full on paragraph with her and not just a short response.

She wore an embarrassed expression,"I'm sorry Tyrone." She said softly, her eyes cast down.

"It's not okay Jane but considering we all are just human, I understand. I'm just one guy out of a billion people out there. I'm sure that the big guy up there wouldn't leave a girl like you all alone. You'll meet him, maybe not now but you would." I encouraged, offering her a half smile.


Where the fuck did my mask go?

Before I knew it, she pulled me in for hug. I didn't bother hugging her back and after a few seconds she pulled away with a genuine smile on her lips.

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