25| The Weird Stomping

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Zoe's P.O.V

It's been five days.

Five excruciating days waiting for the damn results and still no conscious Tyrone.

"Do you want anything dear?" Tyrone's mother, Addy, asked.

I shook my head,"I'm good, thanks though." I smiled softly, focusing my gaze back unto the tv.

"I'll be back," She nodded, walking out of the room with her purse.

The day Tyrone was rushed to the hospital was also the same day where I met his mother and little sister. It was a completely embarassing scene considering I looked wreck with the bruises and blood covering all over me.

Tyrone's teary eyed mother who didn't mind my state, pulled me in for a tight hug. I haven't met his father yet since they were busy finding Aron who, from what I've heard, gone into hiding along with his cronies.

Aron's Father was surprisingly helping the police in finding his missing son and even visited here, a day after Tyrone was brought in.

I wasn't here to meet him though; I had to go home to take a shower and a change of clothes.

Mom cried when she saw the state I was in. Unluckily, She was on duty that day here at the hospital and had been informed that her daughter has been brought along with chief's son.

I didn't want to leave Tyrone who was in the ER but she ushered me to an area where I was checked by a doctor and brought back after where she and I met Tyrone's mom and little sister.

I was given the 'ok' signal by the doctor but the bruises were expected to heal longer due to my illness. He gave me strong painkillers though and wished me well.

I was forced to go home that day but the nightmares were unmerciful resorting in me going up to Neo's room and cuddling up with him like we used to when we were kids.

The police took my statement and I didn't even waste a second in telling them my side of the story.
I've been absent for a two days now and have been excused considering my beatened up state.

Eliki, Jax, and Chica visited been visiting each day and yesterday after class, told me that the school area was under investigation by the police. They were trying to find out wether Tyrone was taken within the school grounds or not.

I glanced back at Tyrone, my gaze falling to his limp hand that was currently held by my own.

I traced my thumb softly on his bruised knuckles, my heart tightening at the thought of him fighting alone for his life.

Broken ribs that thankfully didn't puncture his lung, scratches and dark bruises on his body, black eye, cut lip, and a 3-inch gash that runs along the side of his forehead.

The doctor declared that he was in a coma considering the blood lost and head trauma he experienced from the bloody baseball bat that was recovered a few meters away from us.

I didn't even notice it.

The warmth from his hand was the only protective barrier that assured me from my nightmares becoming real.

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