29| A hash what?

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I stared at the mansion that was brimmed with drunk, sober, and overly-excited students in their halloween costumes. The side walk was brimmed with random cars. The music can be heard from outside and a few jocks in their bloody zombies outfit were hanging out in the front porch.

"You're nervous," Chica pointed out, standing beside me.

"I would've considering this the snakes' lair," Eliki popped next to my left, fixing her costume.

The three of us stood infront of Jane Due's house or rather Mansion. I wouldn't be surprise considering both her parents work in the government.

It was not your typical mansion with it's grey exterior and well-done garden infront with tall trees that were perfect for a make out session considering how it was secluded.

Chica snorted,"A snake wouldn't expose her true self on her own home and infront of many eyes." She said, before pulling my arm and walked infront.

A few hoots can be heard as we passed by the jocks on the porch and I felt my cheeks heat up.

Unconsciously pulling down the tight dress that clung to my body like a second skin.

After Chica walking out earlier, I quietly ate my food, ignoring the burning gaze of Tyrone while Jax was asking Eliki what happened to which, she changed the topic.

Tyrone did asked me what was wrong but I only gave him shook of my head and a fake smile.

Which resorted to him glaring at me for the rest of lunch.

sigh, some things just don't change

The smell of sweat, beers, and various perfume almost made me gagged once we've entered.

The living room was eerily scary with it being dimmed, fake webs and halloween decorations were hung on the ceiling. It had enough space that served as the dancefloor. Disco lights and various sound equipments were set up and a Vampire DJ stood at the far end of the room where mostly students in various were crowding and dancing.

"Let's get the party started," Chica hollered, making her way to the kitchen.

Despite being drunk and tipsy, people somehow parted/stumbled like a red sea once we walked by.

It was probably because of how desdly gorgeous my two friends looked tonight.

Chica opted for a skimpy red riding hood custome that reached mid-thigh, wore fishnet stockings and heels. She straightened her hair and did a smoky eye that brought out her eyes and finished it off with a bold red lip.

Eliki was an asassin for the night with her hair in ponytail style. She wore a top that had a plunging neckline and tight black jeans with killer heels and a black mask.

I, on the other hand, was forced to wear a fitted shirt dress that reached mid-thigh and had 'Guilty' word on it in the back. I wore black shorts underneath just in case and a black belt accentuated my waist finishing it off with fishnet stockings and knee-length heels.

After school, The girls and I met up to buy our last-minute halloween outfit. I was supposed to buy the black widow outfit considering I have red hair but Chica and Eliki forced me to buy this criminal outfit instead.

I had a confused expression on my face while I paid the cashier but she just smiled and said 'you'll thank me tomorrow'

Chica, Eliki, and I stayed at my house while we got ready. From what I've heard, Jax and Tyrone were going to meet us here in the party.

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