33| The Villian's Story

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A/N: Just wanted to thank you for 94k reads, 4k votes, and 1k comments! Try not to forget to vote because it makes me happy🥰

Thank you for being patient with me, you're the best💚

👻Zoe's P.O.V

I let out a sleepy groan, my senses waking up and the feeling of my neck throbbing painfully couldn't be ignored any longer.

My brows knitted upon seeing myself wrapped with a blanket that I used on Aron and the frying pan in my ha–SHIT.

My body jerked up from the couch and glanced at the spot where Aron was and found it empty instead.


How did he escape my rope? I smacked my head harshly when I realized that I didn't bind his hands.

Letting out a curse, I took the frying pan from the couch and looked around the living room in suspicion. My eyes squinted and the pan raised in front of me.

At the sound of footsteps, I quickly turned around and was ready to swing the pan but paused when I was met with a bewildered Aron who had a fork inside his mouth.

It seems that he had come out from the kitchen and was holding a plate filled with spaghetti. My spaghetti.

I took in his half-naked form and wasn't sure wether to laugh or be satisfied at the sight of the rope still tied on his ankle and was being dragged behind him.

That was such a good knot.

Thankfully, the bandage didn't have any bleeding. Seeing that I wasn't doing anything, he pulled the fork away and started to chew on my pasta.

"Who told you that you could eat my spaghetti?" I scowled, pointing the frying pan at him.

He gulped down his food and placed the fork on the plate before raising one of his hand in a surrender way.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. I haven't had any food for a two days." He said through mouthfuls.

At his words, I felt a frown form on my lips. Now that he stood before me, I could make out every small lash that he had on his body and the bruises that were appearing.

I noticed the tired bags from his face and the exhaustion that was obvious in his eyes. He looked like he had an extremely rough two days.

"I demand an explanation." I cleared my throat, glancing at him briefly and taking seat on the beige recliner that was next to the couch.

"I'll tell you after I eat, its bad to talk when your mouth is full." Aron interjected, completely focused on eating his food.

"Who knew you had manners," I muttered to which he chose to ignored.

He might be an asshole but food is something that you shouldn't deny a person with no matter the circumstances.

I leaned back on the seat, the frying pan giving me a certain reassurance and waited for him to finish.

I straightened up in my seat when he finally placed the plate on the small coffee table and took a huge gulp from the glass of water that I placed there last night.

After that, he let out a satisfied sigh and stood up."That was one of the most delicious spaghetti that I've eaten. Thank you,"

Aron then proceeded to sit on the floor and gripped the end of the rope before bending down and tying it back to the couch's feet.

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