3. Spidey-Sense Is No Non-Sense

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Jace was different.

Much, much more different than when I last saw him. Of course a lot can happen in four years. A lot can change.  A good example of that would be myself.

However, the changes in Jace still didn't hinder me from recognizing him as soon as I saw him. In fact, I was sure that nothing could ever do it.

His usually untamed blonde hair was hidden under the beanie but from what I could tell about it, it seemed less unruly now, more put together. He had gotten broader and he looked intimidating where he stood. His once lean body was more built, more muscular, more toned; even with what he was wearing you couldn't miss that fact. If anything, what he was wearing accentuated it, outlining his impressive physique. However, he maintained his former built in that he didn't put on too much muscle that he resembled a body-builder.

His eyes. 

His eyes, his eyes... the very ones I always thought held my happiness were now dark, cold and calculating. Those eyes watched his surroundings with a calculative measure that I recognized Bruce do very often, as if it was a built-in reflex to analyze your surroundings. The type of calculative stare that took in everything, that analyzed how many exits there were, how many casualties would result from a single choice and how to get the VIP out as safely and quickly as possible.

Jace's eyes traced over me as if scanning for something that could pose a threat to him. As he did that, I felt like an ant under a microscope and it made me self-conscious.

I always felt self-conscious when I was around him, but something about it now just made it worse.

Maybe I worried that he was judging the changes that time had left me with. Maybe I was still being the self-conscious little girl that had hung on his every word or maybe, just maybe I felt like...no, I knew that something about Jace was different from the boy that I knew four years ago.

Then suddenly, his calculative appraisal stopped.

Owens must have noticed my discomfort because soon enough he was standing right behind me as he scanned my perimeter.

I couldn't bring myself to tell him that the person causing my discomfort was standing in front of me. That the person standing just a few metres away from me made me experience a disarray of emotions.

In fact, I couldn't bring myself to say anything at all. It was like my lips were glued tightly together, and the words... I couldn't even conjure up a single sentence, nor did I know what to say and how to even go about saying it.

My phone was long forgotten in my hand, resting on my lap. I didn't even know if Georgia was still on the other end and I still hadn't gotten hold of my senses long enough to even care.

I didn't care that Georgia was on the other end trying to tell me something. I didn't care that my dad had seen the photos from Wanderlust. And I certainly didn't care about the predatorial eyes from last night that made my blood run cold.

All my attention was on the six foot three guy standing several feet away.

Jace was studying Owens subtly before his eyes rested on me again and he smirked not as subtly.

Before I could even begin to show a reaction to the guy that ripped my heart to shreds years ago turned around and walked away in the direction of the shops.

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