20. Strawberry Shortcake Prince

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What A Life - EXO SC


I did the only reasonable thing for me to do at that moment.

I pushed him away from me before I burst out laughing at his words. "Nice one," I managed to breath out as I grabbed his right shoulder to support myself. "Pray tell, Jace, how many girls has that worked on?" I wiped the stray tear that had escaped my eyes from the laughter.

Jace didn't look put off by my reaction. Instead he continued to watch me, amused.

He shrugged, his voice playful as he replied, "Give or take five."

I scoffed, trying to play off that I wasn't impressed, despite being so. "I expected more." 

Then without another word, I walked past him, dismissing him as I continued down the hallway.

A couple of seconds passed, at which I thought he wouldn't say anything. Just before I reached the huge staircase that led down, I heard his footsteps follow after me. I didn't bother to look behind me.

"Call me if there's anything suspicious," he called out. "I'll be there as soon as I can."

I rolled my eyes at him even though I knew he wouldn't have known, and continued without saying a word as if I hadn't heard a thing.

Thirty minutes later, I sat at the Loey cafe, waiting for Georgia and Krystal. 

I scrolled through the headlines that graced my screen.

I pushed down the anger that threatened to bubble over me as I read the one that had had the most reads in the past hour.


I had read the article twice already and each time I wanted to call up my ex and ask him what exactly he was thinking?

Just as I had been worried about, the media had jumped to the conclusion that he was visiting a girl.

Jordan Wolfe, 22, made a surprise visit earlier today to the University of South California. Shocking the students and staff alike, the Bitten star quickly amassed a crowd of dedicated followers that caused a disturbance the school. When contacted for a comment, the school administration denied that Wolfe would be attending their institution.

Which begs the question, is Jordan Wolfe there to visit someone? That someone being a girlfriend that he has kept hidden away from the public eye. If so, who is she and how did she catch the heart of one of Hollywood's heartthrobs?

I wished I was reading the cheap pathetic excuse of journalism on paper so I could have the satisfaction of crumpling it up and throwing it away like the trash it was.

I groaned in frustration as I contemplated on calling Jordan up once again. He knew very well what today would bring about and yet he still came, undisguised for that matter. I couldn't believe he was so reckless that he waltzed into the school.

I felt a pair of eyes pinned on me and sighed. 

Owens sat to my right, two tables over, trying to be discreet as he could be with the mug of coffee and dozens of baked goods on his table as he watched me.

He had quickly followed after me when I left the house and hadn't said a word since he muttered a quick, "I'll be right here if you need me, Ms Holden," before he took his place.

I cast a glance to my watch and wondered if Georgia and Krystal would arrive soon.

As if I had called them with my thoughts, the door to the cafe opened and in they walked.

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