22. Putting On a Show

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Song : Just Us 2 - EXO SC ft Gaeko
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My breath caught and my heart beat momentarily sped up as I stared at him.

He towered over us, his presence imposing and he wore a grey hoodie and a black bomber jacket over it. A nondescript black cap was pulled down low over his head and the hood of the hoodie was pulled up over his cap. And surprisingly, he wore a black mask.

However, despite all of that I recognized him easily.

He had pulled the mask down to his chin, his face lit up with a shy smile. His amber brown eyes watched me with a stare that made me feel like he was piercing into my mind and reading my every thought.

Jordan Wolfe's lips tugged further upwards, and a huge smile appeared on his face. The same smile that had many girls all over the world screaming out their 'undying love' for him.

The very smile that I had come to detest in the last seven months.

The silence was suffocating and to make matters worse, Jace was staring at me too. He would've recognized Jordan from earlier today. His gaze was burning into me and I felt the blood rush to my face at the sudden attention that was pinned on me.

To make matters even more awkward for me. Both guys had rejected me.

The first and most painful one sat across from me and I had no choice but to face him for the foreseeable future.

Whilst the other one, stood beside me, disguised in the most pathetic excuse of a disguise in the history of celebrities going undercover.

I cast a quick look around the café, wondering if someone had noticed that a celebrity was in their midst and poorly disguised. Honestly, one look at him and one would realize that he was someone famous trying to keep a low profile. I was surprised there wasn't already a crowd of screaming fans following after him.

"Long time no see, Lipa," Jordan said, his voice was husky, but it had a slightly nervous edge to it, something that Jordan Wolfe wasn't known for. He was always sure and confident as he spoke, almost to the point that he could be considered arrogant.

The shock slowly faded from my face, replaced by a frown.

"Jordan," I replied, my voice laced with the irritation I felt at seeing him, especially after I had tried to avoid him earlier in school.

He didn't look fazed by my tone, neither was the smile on his face. "You look be-...great," he said with a light chuckle.

"I can't say the same for you," I arched a brow at him, even though I knew it was a bold-faced lie. His body had filled out since I last saw him, his muscles more accentuated and obvious even through the layer of clothing he wore. "I'm sorry, Jordan," I continued, my voice clearly denoting that I was the furthest thing from apologetic, "just refresh my memory for me, the last time we met, I remember you saying you never wanted to see me again. Did you get bitten by a bug in South America and lose all your memory?"

The smile finally slipped from his lips as he pursed in indecision. "I regret everything Lipa," he finally said after a couple of seconds of profound silence. "I want yo-"

I held up a hand, stopping his words. "I don't want you back," I spat out, pushing back the urge to stick my tongue out at him. "You made your bed seven months ago, well it's time you slept on it." After a quick, not very well thought out decision, I added, "I've moved on already."

Jordan brows lifted up in shock. "What? Last I checked you're still single," his tone held a mixture of confusion and disbelief.

Trying not to feel elation that he had been keeping tabs on me, I smiled, "I don't believe you've met him yet."

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