24. Confused Feelings

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My mind was in a disarray as my eyes burned into the tattoo that was foreign to me, popping out at me and I knew that no matter how much I tried to ignore it, I couldn't.

I couldn't bring my eyes to look up into Jace's because I knew that my emotions were on full display on my face.

Confusion, shock and most of all, hope.

I knew that even though I knew I shouldn't, that even though my mind was screming at me not to, I knew that my heart overrode all common sense and that I was hopeful.

Hopeful for what, that was left to be answered.

Was I hopeful that he had for some reason gotten that tattoo for me? Maybe. Was I hopeful that that was a sign that there was more to his feelings for me than he let on? Another maybe. Was I hoping that for some reason he liked me and was hiding it from me? Maybe.

I knew that I could possibly be overthinking everything but that didn't stop that small glimmer of hope from shining through.

Even though I hated Jace right now and I couldn't forgive him, that didn't change the fact that I had liked him for so long.

After a certain point, a crush changes to the point it becomes your first love. And no one ever forgets their first love, no matter how much time passes by.

I didn't know for how long I stared at Jace's chest, nor the reason why he let me do so, but after a while, my senses came back and instead of looking up at him, I turned back around to face the dishwasher, my face burning bright red.

After a couple of seconds of tensed silence passed and me studying the dishwasher as if it was interesting than it actually was, I heard Jace clear his throat from behind me.

My muscles instantly tensed up as I wondered how I would leave the room without getting into any unwanted conversation with him.

Obviously it wasn't his intention because seconds later he was standing close behind me.

He was so close that I could feel the body heat radiating off of him and smell the chlorine from his swim. Small water droplets fell on my sweatshirt making me swallow hard.

My heart was pounding away hard against my chest, against my judgement as I sucked in a deep breath of air.

The last time I had been this close to a guy that I had more than platonic feelings for was Jordan, months ago. And despite how much I liked him, my feelings for him were never as strong as it was for Jace. Which was why my body, despite my better judgement, liked how close he was.

"What do you th-" I began saying, trying to come off more level-headed than I currently was.

With a steady voice, he replied, "You didn't turn the dishwasher on," before he reached around me, his body pressing lightly against mine as he turns on the dishwasher.

After turning it on, it takes him a couple more seconds before he pulled away from me.

I took a step away from his direction before I turned around to face him, my mind made up to mutter out a quick word and run back up to my room.

However, as I turned around I'm left stumped because I couldn't deny just how handsome he was. No matter how much I hated him for what had happened, it didn't change the fact that Jace Frost was handsome.

He was leaning against the kitchen counter as he watched me, his eyes studying me as if he was trying to read me.

My lips pressed tightly together in a thin line as I pondered over my words.

Fortunately he broke the silence.

"How was the food?" he asked.

"Good," I replied, before I added quickly, "thanks."

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