7. Meeting My New Babysitter

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Jace is coming back home for good.

Georgia's words resounded over and over again.

Yes, I knew he was coming back home, but she failed to mention why he came back home and why the hell he was standing here right now, in my father's office.

"Thank you Georgia," I muttered under my breath as I made a short mental note to return her call after this and demand an explanation.

"It seems like you're both in a very interesting conversation," Jace broke the tensed atmosphere in the room as he looked over at my dad.

His voice had taken on an a little English lilt to it, somewhat unnoticeable enough that I hadn't noticed when we had talked on the plane. Another reminder of what had happened because he had gone to the UK to chase after what's-her-name.
He at the very least had the decency to look like he was apologetic about walking in at this time. "I can come back later if you want some privacy." He looked like he was going to actually follow through with that and turn around.

I wished he did, with every fiber of my being. I wished he'd turn right back around and catch the next flight back to London.

I saw his lips pull up slowly before it went back to a placid polite smile as if he could read my mind.

I felt the urge to grab my father's two hundred years old vase on the corner table and throw it at him. But I knew that with whatever mood that father was in right now and with whatever it was that had really spooked him, shattering one of his most treasured items would make things worse. Especially when that item was something mom had cherished.

This was ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.

Just a couple of hours ago, the thought of Jace Frost was as distant a memory as how many shots I had had the night before at Wanderlust. In fact, I never thought I would see nor run into him in a million years.

And the fact that I've ran into him not once but three times in the span of fourteen hours seemed absolutely ridiculous to me.

"Don't be silly, young man," father replied with a guffaw echoing his words. "Come and take a seat and after Phillipa has composed herself, we can continue with the reason as to why you're here."

Jace nodded before his eyes drifted to mine for a short second before he turned back to my father.

He walked past me and I tensed instantly. He was so calm, cool and collected as if we were friends that have seen each other on a daily basis and not in the awkward situation that we are in now.

Jace is coming back home for good.

Georgia's voice echoed again in my head as I tried to push down whatever emotions were going through me right now.

I can get through this. I can get through this meeting. Besides, I needed to find out what exactly Jace was doing here, back home and in my father's office.

Jace said on the chair to my right, his back straight as he waited for my father to continue.

"What is he doing here?" I asked my father, my voice coming off more aggressive than I wanted it to be.

My father shot me a pointed look, "Watch your tone, Phillipa. If you want to act like a child, walk out of this office right now. If you decide to be an adult and act civilly to our guest, you can stay in the meeting."

Frosted (Hate at First Flight #3)Where stories live. Discover now