6. Amending the Agreement

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Thanks to @kcyyyy for the fanmade covers in the media.  ❤❤



The 44 storey building stood tall against the backdrop of the cloudless sky, by far the tallest one among the other high-rise buildings within close proximity. With its glass exterior, the sunlight reflected against the surface of the building gave it this almost ethereal feel to it.

The HS logo that doubled as a shield, was internationally recognized, a big name in the security industry and catered for both public and private clientele.

The clients ranged from big players in the government, businessman and your normal household and boasted at least eight other headquarters and over 100,000 employees worldwide.

I looked up at the main headquarters of the company that my father had taken over twenty years to build from ground up. No matter the hard feelings that had taken root in our relationship in the past three years, I couldn't help but acknowledge how dedicated he was to his work and how much his work had paid off.

This was the third time I would step into Holden Securities since my mom's passing.

Before that, we had made it a weekly thing to visit dad at the headquarters. Usually we'd come and go out for lunch with dad when he had free time. Other times we would come and he was in meetings one after another. Mom usually reminded his secretary to make sure he had something to eat before he continued. Mom never complained once about how his work was eating up all his time with us.

I envied them. They shared a love for one another that I wished I would have with my future husband. They were two sides of the same coin, entirely different personalities but they always seemed to share this understanding that made them work.

But since the incident, I hadn't- I couldn't bring myself to come visit unless I was forced or needed to for some reason.

In one of those previous visits, I had stolen dad's Bugatti Chiron and had taken it for a drive. It wasn't really the fact that I had stolen a $2.5million dollar car that had resulted in me being forced to visit. It was because I had ditched Bruce the third time during the week. He was more angry about that than of me stealing the car.

That was one of the moments that I saw dad being visibly worried. He never batted an eye at my ditch efforts towards my chaperone once before. It was always a small telling off.

That day was different that the other two times I had snuck away from Bruce. That day dad reacted more animatedly than the other two.

It ended with me losing my car privileges for one month and being confined to going back and forth from the house to school and nowhere else for two weeks.

The other time I'd visited was because he had missed mom's second death anniversary. The first time he missed it, I understood that he was suffering and didn't want to be around anyone. The second time, I had waited and waited and waited for him, but he never came.

When I walked into his office that day, he had looked up and asked me how much damage I had caused instead of offering an excuse as to why he hadn't come home the night before.

When I asked why he didn't, he said he had work to do. We had started at each other for a long while, before I turned around and simply walked out of his office, my shoulder slumped, defeated and exhaustion from staying up the whole night before waiting for someone to come home settled into my tired muscles. I just wasn't in the mood of getting into a huge argument with him.

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