19. Slowly Driving Me Crazy

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Song : Betcha - BAEKHYUN

The crowd grew by the second as screams continuously erupted. Bystanders that weren't aware of what was happening knew instantly as the news of who was on campus spread.

"JORDAN!JORDAN!" hundreds of voices joined in unison as they begun to chant his name. "JORDAN WOLFE! JORDAN WOLFE!"

I could see him from where I stood, elevated enough to see the star of the hour despite him slowly being swallowed by the avalanche of college students that called for his attention.

His hair had grown a couple of inches and he was more tanned since I last saw him. The smile that always lit up the room was on his face, as he said something that was drowned out by the hundreds of people.

A small part of me ached as I remembered the way he always smiled at me as we tried our best to keep the reporters from finding out about our relationship. The way he winked at me when he knew no one was looking at him, or the way he'd slowly trace my fingers under the table during one of those production dinners where'd he'd somehow always be sitting next to me. He'd always be wearing a polite smile as he chatted away with the investors or the producers, all innocent while I was the one that was burning with embarrassment.

As if he sensed my gaze out of the hundreds that gathered around him, he turned to his right and the eyes that I concluded to be the most beautiful shade of brown pierced into mine. Recognition dawned in them before they lit up.

He turned to the people surrounding him and even from this distance I could tell what he had said. "Excuse me please." Then he turned and started to make his way through the crowd.

Towards me.

It was slow given the number of people around him, but people gradually started to let him through.

My eyes widened as I realized that he was coming to me. In front of everyone. Even though he knew people were watching, he was walking towards me.

Despite knowing very well that I hadn't wanted to meet him, nonetheless talk to him. If anything, I wanted to pretend like he didn't exist.

He knew the repercussions of meeting me so publicly, especially in front of hundreds of people who could instantly broadcast whatever he intended to say. However, despite that, he was walking towards me with an almost determined look on his face that I always said was dangerous.

Determined Jordan didn't care about repercussions. Determined Jordan did whatever the hell he wanted to do. I used to like determined Jordan, but right now I hated him.

"Phillipa, he's com-," Chloe began.

"I know," I cut her off. I turned to face her, my eyes darting to the left and right looking for the nearest hiding spot. "I need to go. Can you pl-"

She nodded, cutting me off. "I'll distract him. Go!" She pushed me towards the direction of the car-park, knowing that I didn't want to meet my ex.

Without even saying anything to Elliott or Jace, I cast another glance towards Jordan, who thankfully was stuck by a group of girls giving autographs, before I turned and ran towards where my car and my peace of mind lay.

Hoping that Chloe would keep Jordan busy enough, I took the quickest route to the car-park, not caring for the curious looks being cast my way or the quick chatter being relayed of Jordan Wolfe's presence in USC.

Just before I reached the car, I felt someone grab my arm, pulling me to a stop.

I tensed as I tried to catch my breath.

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