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dannyfire: phil is such an idiot sometimes

dannyfire: what the fuck is your username

kendallnotjenner: firstly, if you're going to insult my un, just shut the fuck up

kendallnotjenner: also

kendallnotjenner: i agree he's an idiot sometimes

kendallnotjenner: but he's hot

kendallnotjenner: would bang 11/10

dannyfire: no

dannyfire: you can't have him >:(

kendallnotjenner: i'm a grown man i know what i can have

dannyfire: fiTe me

kendallnotjenner: sQUARE UP

kendallnotjenner: loljk he's all yours i kno how much you like him

dannyfire: ugh shut up

kendallnotjenner: i only speak the truth

kendallnotjenner: anw, what's up why is he an idiot this time

dannyfire: do u remember when i told you that i confessed to him

dannyfire: when i told him i like him

kendallnotjenner: yh

kendallnotjenner: and he said he likes you back

kendallnotjenner: i saved the screenshots that you sent lol

dannyfire: omg delete it what if phil sees it

kendallnotjenner: hes not gonna see it you worry too much lol

kendallnotjenner: i keep getting sidetracked, so what happened?

dannyfire: so like, we were talking and he suddenly asked if i like you

dannyfire: so i was like wtf who would like chris

kendallnotjenner: hey thats rude

dannyfire: sorry

dannyfire: so anyway, i tried and flirted with him saying that i like "someone else" which is oBvIouSly him

dannyfire: then he was like "omG who is it"

kendallnotjenner: wow phil is something else

kendallnotjenner: it's either he's just teasing you or he's really just an idiot

kendallnotjenner: and i think it's the latter

dannyfire: sigh

dannyfire: same

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