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daniel: omg i love you

philly: love you too <3

philly: it's all i can afford atm so it's really not that good

daniel: no, no, it's more than enough. i'm just so happy right now

daniel: i feel like i have to give you a present too. do you have something in mind?

philly: i'm just happy it made you happy, it's more than i could ask for

daniel: i'm so lucky to have you. i dont deserve you :(

daniel: you're literally and angel, how are you even real

philly: aw baby

philly: i'm really not that great but i'm so happy you think so :-)

daniel: shushshsh don't say that, you're an angel. nothing's going to make me think otherwise

philly: yOu're so sweet i think i'm going to explode

daniel: ;)

philly: DANIEL NO

daniel: i just sent a winky face. whas your problem daddy

philly: sigh

philly: hey, you want to give me a 'gift' right? i think i just thought of something that i'd really like.

philly: play something for me

daniel is typing...

daniel is typing...

daniel: is that all?

philly: yeah?

philly: were you expecting something


daniel: and of course, i'd play a piece for you, pumpkin. you're the one who bought the keyboard for me after all :')

philly: thank you, that's more than enough <3

Read 4:59 p.m.

grae: hey, you probably hate spons but i just posted the 3rd chapter of 'afraid' please check it out :)

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