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"i'll leave you two to talk." phil nodded and mumbled a quiet "thank you" to pj to which he responded with a smile

"it's okay. just don't have sex. my mother is downstairs."


pj just chuckled and sent a last smile our way before closing the guest room door behind him.

i arrived earlier than phil told me so i ended up waiting on pj's guest room for half an hour. i didn't wait for too long but it somehow made me feel antsy and worried. i just saw my boyfriend bruised for god's sake. and he won't even tell me what happened.

"so," phil crossed the room to sit on the bed next to me. i immediately cupped his cheeks and inspect the bruises on his face. i also noticed the small cut on his lower lip. i grimaced.

"is... is this a new one?" i asked, my thumb hovering under the cut.

"i-i, uh, no. it only happened once." he said, looking down on his lap.

i dropped my to his shoulders until i reached his hand. i enveloped his hands in mine.

"what happened." i looked straight to his eye even if he's stubbornly avoiding my gaze.

"it's not a big deal. i promise."

"well, i think it's a big deal if you have that big ass bruise on your chee—"

"it was carter."

there was a long silence enveloping the room and i utterly forgot how to speak.

"what?" is the only thing that came out of my mouth after the deafening silence.

"it was carter. he saw me and i—fuck, i don't know. it was a payback for bursting his lip open."

and again, there was silence. it was like i lost my ability to respond coherently.

"payback? that fucking asshole i fucking swear to—" i was about to stand up when i felt gentle hands on my arm.

"dan it's fine—"

"it's not fucking fine!" i tried remain calm but my voice came with fury, and louder than i intended it to.

"look, maybe i'm still not completely over with how he treated me in the past but i'm not scared of him anymore. he's a dick and you didn't deserve to be punched, or whatever the hell he did. you stood up for me, i appreciate that and now it's time that i stand up for you." i got off the bed and made my way out of pj's room. i passed him by the hallways and he was asking what happened but i just clapped his back and thanked him before leaving his house.

"dan, wait! where are you going?" i heard phil say breathlessly, still following behind me.

"to carter's place."

grae: hi! so, i won't be able to update daily anymore. i mean, i can try but no promises.

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