The Confession

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Several weeks have past since Aro had arrived. Marcus and Caius went back to Italy to command the rest of the Volturi while Aro stayed for his grandson. Harry was doing well in school, with pappous' and Jasper's help he was started to do better in history. He was actually liking Forks. He kept ignoring Isabella Swan and Alice, as well as all the other bimbos in that school but he has hung out with Rosalie. It was nice talking with her, she's pretty chill when she's not surrounding by all of those annoying kids in that school. Harry also hung out with Emmett. Emmett reminded him of a big, stuffed teddy bear and Harry started seeing him as an older brother of sorts. They play video games together and Emmett even asked Harry to teach him sign language. Emmett said that he saw Harry as a little brother and since he can only communicate that way he wanted to be able to. So most afternoons, Harry and Emmett as well as either Rosalie or Jasper, since someone had to translate, would go over sign language. Due to being a vampire, Emmett caught on fast and now you can't get him to stop signing. However, Christmas was fast approaching and Jasper had no idea what to get Harry or Remus, or Aro for that matter.

"You know you have yet to take him on an actual date." a voice said startling Jasper out of his thoughts.


"You haven't taken Harry out on a proper date. Most of the time you two are either here when everyone is here or at his house when his father is there. I understand that you are courting him and taking things slow and being respectful and all that but dude, you need to take him out on a date." said Edward as he sat down beside him.

"You're right. I haven't but what would we do. We can't go out to eat, it would be too suspicious if I don't eat anything." asked Jasper.

"Well, you could go to a movie, or go to the beach,or an amusement park. From the bits and pieces I can get from his mind he has never done any of those things." answered Edward.

"Yeah I know why and before you ask no I can't tell you."

"From your mind I kind of know why. Don't worry if I can work out an address, I'll tell you."

"Thanks and don't let anybody else know."

"Don't worry about it I won't. You know there is a circus coming to Port Angeles in a couple of weeks. You could always take him to that, I'm sure he'll like it."

"Yeah I wonder if I could get something that will help me keep control in crowds. Don't get me wrong, I'm doing better but I don't want to risk it." said Jasper looking quickly at Edward.

"Don't worry about it and hey, I'm sorry for how I acted earlier when you first found him. I don't know what had gotten in me." apologized Edward.

"You've already apologized and I said you're forgiven." assured Jasper.

"You know between you and me, I'm not totally sure Alice and Bella are my mates. I've heard from everyone that you'll love your mates unconditionally and even love their faults but I have to strain myself from not draining Bella dry and the way both of them has been treating you and Harry has been getting on my nerves. I don't know who they are anymore." confided Edward.

"Really? You know they may not. We all know Bella is your singer so she might not truly be your mate and if Alice says Bella is her mate and you have assumed singers equal mates then naturally you'd assume Alice is your mate too. They may not be." theorized jasper.

"Then why would they let me believe that I am."

"Well Bella might have fallen in love with the idea of becoming vampire because that's what I've been getting from her so she might think she loves you for that. However with Alice in the picture, I don't know.. Maybe Alice saw something that made her think you three were together and she wants it to happen. I don't really know brother." Jasper said comforting his brother.

"Also remember when we met the wolves a few weeks ago?" asked Edward out of the blue.


"I think one of them might be my true mate."

"Really? How'd you tell?"

"When I locked eyes with him, everything settled in place and he smelled so good, much better than the other wolves. Also I heard his thoughts when we locked eyes and I know he imprinted on me but I didn't let him know that I know."

"Wow. Who is it?"

"I think his name is Seth Clearwater but I'm not sure."

"What do you want to do about it?"

"I don't know. For one thing he's a wolf and I'm a vampire. For another I'm tied up with Alice and Bella but I don't really like them like I thought I did. I just don't know how I would end it with them and even begin to talk to him. They've avoided us and so have we to them. Plus alice and Bella are going to make this like Hell if I break up with them. I just don't know what to do." answered Edward honestly.

"Well first things first, try to read Alice's thoughts or easedrop on them while they're alone to see if you can find out anything about yall's so called mating. Then, you call them out on it. If it gets too bad call for me and Emmett, I know he doesn't like them that much either. After that you can ask Harry or Remus for help on contacting that boy Seth." reasoned Jasper.

"That's a great idea! Thanks Jaz!!! Now what can I do to repay you?"

"You don't have to do anything but getting me tickets for Harry and I to go to that circus would be nice. On opening night would be greater." hinted Jasper.

"Haha I got the hint, I'll get everything prepared."

"Thanks Ed."

"No thank you. After what I've done to you, I would have fully expected you to walk right out on me when I came to talk to you. You could have also told me that it's my own fault and I deserve it but you didn't. You helped me out and talked me through what to do. You also said that you have my back if worse comes to worse and I thank you for that. You never deserved what I have said and done and I want to let you know that you have always been my younger brother Jasper. I am so happy that you've found your mate and that he is as great as you are. You two are perfect for one another. I promised to always support you but I failed but I'm not going to anymore. If you need anything from me, I will come to your aid and help you Jasper because you are my little brother and that's what big brother's do." vowed Edward.

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