Silent Siren: Chapter 3

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Please play the song above, this chapter is heavily based on it and it will add to the story. __________________________________

The next morning Seala awoke to sound of chirping birds. A sound that was so melodious and soft, so very different from the sounds of seagulls she heard soaring above the water.

The sea was visible in the distance, making Seala's heart ache.
Leaving the sea felt like leaving a part of herself behind, but what choice did she have?

If she sang her song, she would either be killed by Sedna if she failed, or kill hundreds of people, having to live an eternity haunted by the ghosts of her victims.

"No! Anything but that," Seala thought as she shook off all her fears, but how could she avoid her destiny, her sisters.

"Silence," was the word that came to mind. If she didn't sing she wouldn't harm anyone. The idea sounded okay, but the thought of not being able to sing broke her heart.

"It's just for a little while," she reassured herself, forcing a smile on her face.

Maybe now was finally her chance to explore the world of these humans she had heard so much about. Her mermaids in waiting had told her plenty of stories about humans, but yesterday was the first time she saw one with her own eyes. And he had been nothing like the stories. Jake hadn't cut out her heart or put her in a fish tank upon seeing her. He hadn't forced himself upon her.
He had been nothing but polite and considerate.

"See, maybe this isn't so bad after all," Seala thought to herself as she ran down the stairs with a bounce in her step. She spotted Jake standing in the kitchen and observed his slender frame. From the back he could be confused for a woman, with his half-long brown hair, slender shoulders and narrow waist.

As if he felt her stare burn in his back, he turned around, showing a sleep deprived face to his guest.

"Good morning, I see you have grown accustomed to your feet," he noted.

Seala stared down at her bare feet and wiggled her toes, feeling quite proud of the control she had gained overnight. The feeling of the ground under her feet was a new sensation, this whole world was full of new sensations. Her nose picked up a smell unlike any other, and she approached the kitchen cautiously to detect its source.

Jake smilled as she approached the frying pan filled with a pair of eggs and bacon. "You have never eggs, have you?"

Seala shook her head but kept her gaze down, shivers running down her spine while Jake was breathing down her neck.

"You know nothing of this world. But I can show you, I can help you." He whispered in her ear. His voice was deep and soothing, but his words monotone. Something that put Seala's instincts on high alert.

Not having the courage to face Jake, Seala just moved away from him and held her gaze down.

Jake wayed his options, upon seeing her discomfort. She was his ticket out of this hell hole, but this was a delicate matter that needed to be handled with care. He somehow had to make her realize that she needed him as much as he needed her.

"Let's just have breakfast for now and then I'll show you the town." He said, smiling brightly.

Seala returned his smile and felt herself relax. After a flavorful breakfast they headed towards town.

Everything in this town was so new to Seala. She had never seen houses up close, never seen cars drive and her eyes just seemed to find a new, even more peculiar thing everytime she thought she'd seen it all.

Jake provided names and explanations for everything, while Seala often moved her mouth, trying out all these new words without voicing them.

Upon observing her newfound silence, Jake's patience faded as the day progressed. He had researched Sirens on the internet all night, but it only told him what he already knew. Women who lure men to their death with their Songs. Greek mythology, all that stuff. But nothing about shapeshifting Sirens.

He wanted to asked her so much, so why hadn't she said a word all day. She wasn't mute, he had heard her beautiful voice yesterday. So why was she so quiet now?

He glanced over to her as she walked beside him, her arm ever so slightly touching his. Her turquoise eyes were sparkling with delight and her silver hair was blowing in the wind. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen and out of all the people in this world, she was walking beside him. Sleeping in his house, she was his. She belonged to him, he was sure of it.

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