Vigilant Siren: Chapter 1

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Welcome everyone, human or otherwise, to the second part of the Siren Series.

For those who haven't read the first one, the Silent Siren yet, don't worry these are stand-alone stories in the same universe. So you can check it out, whenever you like.

Please play the song above, this chapter is based on it and it will add to the story.


India, a land with riches beyond imagination. Fertile by the great rivers, that sprang from the highest tops of the mountains, crossed all the way through the land and ended in the great waters of the ocean. A land with forests so thick, they cover the earth completely, and mountains so high, they touch the sky itself.

A land rich in history and tradition.

Where every man is a singer when he is happy, and every woman is a dancer when she walks to the shop at the corner. Where the food is rich in flavors. For the Indians, food is the music inside the body and music is the food inside the heart. Amore or Pyar makes every man a poet, a princess of every peasant girl if only for a second when the eyes of man and woman meet.

Here in this land lived a being so beautiful, that every man who had ever laid eyes upon her instantly fell in love, refusing to ever marry another. Tow no-one had ever dared to ask for her hand.

This being dwelled in the waters of the Indian ocean. Sailors often brought her offerings, when they went on a long journey, praying for a safe return.

She was a being of the purest light, with a voice that was said to be so enchanting that it stopped children from crying but brought even the toughest warrior to tears.

This being went by the name Suvanna.

Her ebony hair was swaying behind her like a veil. Her lilac fin was shining more beautiful than the finest mother of pearl, and she could hear the pendants on her golden crown tinkle each time she dove in or out of the water.

With the flexibility of a dolphin and the graze of a dancer, she jumped through the sea. Letting her mermaids in waiting far behind her.

Suvanna could hear them call her name, urging her to slow down but she couldn't. She had to see this miracle for herself.

Her mermaids had told her of a bridge that was being built. This would have been of little concern to Suvanna had it not been a golden bridge build by prince Hanuman. Even more concerning was the fact that the bridge was being built to the island Lanka, an island where the demon Ravan lived.

As she got close to the shore, Suvanna climbed on top of one of the rocks. Making sure she was unnoticeable to the humans on land. There was definitely something going on. A large group of soldiers and civilians had gathered and they had brought large rocks with them.

"My lady, will you please not run off like that," Jasleen said out of breath.

Suvanna smiled cheekily at her best friend, who always acted like her mother even though the mermaid was a hundred years younger than her.

"Don't call me that Jas, you know I despise it."

"Suvanna, you'll soon have to sing the Siren song. You'll be our lady. Better get used to it."

"I'm trying, I came here.."

Jasleen cut her off, "Running off alone is not very Siren-like. We have to protect you."

"And you do. You're always so vigilant Jas."

"You're not vigilant enough."

Suvanna wanted to contradict Jasleen but was interrupted by the sounds of rocks being thrown into the water. "What are they doing?"

"They're building a foundation for the bridge," Aisha, one of the older mermaids, answered.

Suvanna looked her in the eye and saw the fear of what might happen if this bridge sets the demon free. Aisha had warned her about Ravan before, and though Suvanna had never met the demon, she knew Aisha was right to be fearful.

"Jasleen, gather the strongest mermaids. We are going to sabotage this bridge!"

Jasleen swam away as fast as she could. Leaving Suvanna and Aisha alone on the rock. "You should go back Suvanna, it's not safe here."

Suvanna lovingly took the wrinkled hands of the mermaid between her own, "I'm needed here. Remember that fish call you thought me. It's time I use it."

With one deep breath Suvanna let out a call, summoning a group of dolphins, some hammer sharks, and several octopuses.

When the mermaids arrived Suvanna immediately sent them out on their mission. They swam as fast as they could, joining the other sea creatures in their race towards the bridge and began throwing the rocks off the underwater pile, making a little game out of it.

On land, stones were thrown in with as much efficiency as the soldiers of prince Hanuman could. The builders have had almost no time to make a construction, so for now, they were just tumbling rock off the edge till they would come to the surface. But they never came, and the wild splashing and laughter around the rocks indicated something was going on down there.

"Your Highness the rocks are being stolen!" One soldier informed the prince as he peered over the edge.

A raised eyebrow showed the princes confusion, but he could not dwell on trivial matters like who, and why. "Well, don't just stand there. Get them back."

The soldiers who entered the water quickly encountered the mermaids, who were swirling them around in the water, splashing water in their face, while the stones were tossed further and further away from their spot. The game now had an added bonus to it. And although some soldiers tried to get all the mermaid and sea creatures away from the rocks, it only resulted in chasing the lovely mermaids around the shallow water.

The water fight was in full ore when Suvanna caught up to her ladies. The soldiers were laughing sheepishly, like little children, being lured away from their task by the enchanting ladies of the sea, who played them like ragdolls. The siren decided to first help the sea creatures with the heavier rocks before she would save her ladies from these lustful men.

Suvanna was joining her ladies when she spotted a tall, well-dressed man with a red turban approaching the water. She swam up to him, under the surface, wanting to scare him away as soon as he entered the water. But before she even acted on her plan, he caught her eye. Warm chestnut eyes glanced into the water, embedded in such deep eyes, such a smooth caramel skin. Broad black eyebrows raised in surprise as Suvanna dared to come above the surface.

Hanuman had never seen a maiden so fair, with but a golden glow gracing her skin, lilac eyes, plump lips and long black hair that shined like the star-filled night sky. For a moment he forgot how to breathe, feeling his heart skip a beat each time he noticed another aspect of her beauty. He had to know her name, he had to make this woman his, such beauty was made by the gods and therefore it belonged in a palace surrounded by nothing but the finessed. "Who are you?"

"Suvanna," the woman answered with a voice so soft and pure it almost broke his heart in two when he realized she was swimming away from him, her eyes never leaving him.

He wanted to scream, run after her. But his knees were buckling, his limps frozen and his throat dry as he realized his heart was stolen by the siren of the sea.


!Stop the music!

I hope you liked the first chapter of The Vigilante Siren.

If you did please let me know by commenting/liking. I'd love to hear your opinion.

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