Silent Siren: Chapter 6

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Please play the song above, this chapter is heavily based on it and it will add to the story. __________________________________

The ship stopped moving the moment Seala sang her first sentence. All the waves froze in amazement of her angelic voice. All of the crew stared at the siren in awe. She seemed to have a halo surrounding her, making her even more beautiful. Although Jake spotted the tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

Out of jealousy, Sedna responded with a melody that mirrored her sister. She was calling out to her baby sister. Desperately hoping she would join her side.

But Seala continued to sing her own song. A song that brought a warmth to those who heard it. She radiated like the sun, bringing warmth to those below her, protecting them with her halo. The waves were slowly rocking on her lullaby. She spoke of freedom, and asked the men to not be afraid.

Her voice was strong, sounding reassuring, but her hands were shaking. She was unsure of her song, unsure of her power.

Sedna cut in, making the song a battle between the sisters. She was the opposite of Seala. Dressed in the warmest colours, but singing with the coldest voice. She was the voice of hunger, and pain. Yet she sounded so tempting, the men couldn't help but be drawn to her.

While Seala looked like freshly fallen snow, but sang with a undeniably warmth and love in her voice. Jake couldn't hear anyone else but her. She was the voice that blossomed like a flower after a long winter.

The sisters seemed each others equal in power, but with her mermaids behind her, Seala was just barely winning.

Seala raised her hands forming human-like figures out of water. The water creatures were forming on the surface by the hundreds. They were dancing on the water, slowly pushing the ship back to shore. Pushing the humans out of harm's way.

Enraged by this, Sedna seized control again and a massive wave, washed away all water creatures. Capsizing the ship, and throwing everybody into the freezing water. Jake took his chance, and made his way towards the siren sisters. 

Sedna was the voice of Sorrow, and Seala the voice of the future. A bright a sunny future. She sang of peace, yet Jake had brought her nothing but suffering. He had been nothing but selfish.

Yet Seala was the one who protected the humans, opposing her sister. Jake had to keep swimming, he had to safe her.

Waves were pushing him under, filling his lungs with sea water. The cold would freeze him to death, but right now all he could see, all he could think of was Seala. 

He was nearing her, Seala's tail just out of his reach. After a few tries he managed to grab her hand as she was singing her hardest. Giving it all she had in order to save the humans, her face slowly turning purple from the loss of air. But she didn't stop, she kept her note.

Jake reached out to her, his hand caressing her cheeks. Then wrapping around the back of her neck, bringing her face closer to his. He kissed her lips lovingly, cutting off her note and ending the song.

He couldn't care less what became of him. If he had to life his live as a fish, then so be it. As long as he could safe Seala. 

He could taste the salt of her tears on his lips, when he opened his eyes those beautiful turquoise orbs were drowning in tears. 

"What have you done?" Seala whispered. 

Jake swallowed a lump, he didn't think this through. "Something selfless, for once."

His skin started to absorb the seawater like a sponge. He felt his muscles stiffen at the sudden cold in his body. It was painful at first, making him feel like a bloated ice balloon. But when he exhaled, water came out of his pores and scales formed on his arms. They protected him from the cold like a blanket.

He looked down, expecting to see his fin but to his surprise, there were eight tentacles. Dark brown in color, like his hair, and all aligned with pink suckers. 

Seala followed to where Jake's eyes were looking, a small gasp escaping her lips when she saw the tentacles. 

"Don't be afraid, it's still me."

Her eyes met his with a quizzical look, "Why would I be afraid, their beautiful."  

Her fingers stroke the tentacles that was pushing the hair out of her face. Her touch was so warm, it sent tintelations through his whole body, and he loved it.

"I think so too."

A slight cough brought the attention of the couple back to earth, making them jump at the realization that Sedna was standing next to them.

Jake clutched onto Seala, to protect her, even tow he wanted to hide behind her fin. This woman looked like she was about to shoot lasers out of her eyes.

"This is not the way it's done little sister," Sedna hissed.

Seala swallowed her fears, and took a deep breath, "It is the way I will do it."

A small smile graced Sedna's lips, and she nodded agreeing. "Well, you have proven yourself to me, little one. Now prove it to the world." She motioned to the many sailors that desperately clutched onto the wrecks of the Capsized ship.

Seala, removed herself out of Jake's arms. She had one last job to do, and she would do it her way.


OMG, it's almost finished. One more chapter, and trust me we're going out with a bang! I love this song sooo much, the ladies of Celtic Woman are amazing.

As always feel free to comment, I love to hear your opinion on the story. Oh and if you have any recommendations for (siren) songs, please let me know!! :D

There are going to be sixs more stories, so I need a lot of music.

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