Silent Siren: Chapter 7

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As always, please play the song above, this chapter is heavily based on it and it will add to the story. This is the last song we'll hear from Seala, so let's hear it.


Taking deep breathes, Seala let the ocean lull on her song. She raised herself out of the water, till halve of her fin was above the surface. Her green scales were shining like emeralds in the light of the moon. Her silver locks were clinging unto her bare chest.

All the screams died out, all of nature was quiet for the new siren of the Arctic ocean.

She moved the floes out of harms way, so that they wouldn't crush any sailor. Forming a mountain of ice behind her, she slowly made a clear path between herself and the ship.

Beads of sweat formed on her forehead as she moved the wreckage with the up most care and precision, making sure no one got hurt or hit by it. Her hands shook ever so slightly, but her voice remained calm.

The winds picked up, the air became heavy as small shocks formed around Seala. The magnetic fields around her sparkled.

Her power exploded with such an immense energy that the skies of Barrow were illuminated by swaying waves of blue, green and purple. They danced through the sky, like a nascent rose that had begun to open. The colours as brilliant and pure as the siren who produced them.

Jake marvelled at their vibrant shades, their perpetual motion. And amidst all these wonders stood the angel of the sea, in all her glory.

Her veins pulsating with concentration as she morphed the waters surrounding the ship. Repairing the damaged, holding the ship together with the palm of her hand. She sailed the ship back to shore. Making it seems as if none of this ever took place.

The crew were guided back to their homes by the waves of colour. Their minds entranced my Seala's voice. Their faces graced with the smiles of men who had seen heaven.

Then heaven turned her eyes towards Jake as Seala looked at him before she passed out into ocean.

Jake was by her side in a split second, wrapping his arms around her slender form. She continued to sing, even tow she was clearly exhausted. Two songs had drained her of all of her energy.

Her hands brushed through his hair, then down to his face, tracing each line, memorizing his gaze. No words were needed as his eyes spoke them for him. Seala lifted herself up in his arms, landing a loving and intense kiss on his lips.

"Let's go home," Jake whispered as their lips parted.

He looked at Barrow one last time over his shoulder, before he disappeared into the sea with Seala in his arms.

Their hearts beating as one. Their faiths bound together by the sea, forever.


It's done! By Neptune, does that mean no more Sirens?!? No, of course not 😉 I'll just continue to write part 2 of the Series where we'll go to India, and meet the lovely Suvana. (yes, the same one we heard sing in chapter 1 ^^)

This does however mean that we'll say goodbye to Seala and Jake 😭 , because the next story takes place before the events of this one.

Swim on, my stars. Up to India!!

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