Silent Siren: Chapter 4

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The first part of my writing marathon. I know you all want to hear the song, but this time it will come in a little later in the chapter.

"Stupid laptop! One of these days I'll throw that thing out of the window!"

Jake's frustration, and sleep deprivation was starting to take its toll this night. Seala had gone to sleep hours ago, but how could he possibly sleep when such an opportunity had presented itself to him on a silver platter.

No, Jake had to keep looking. He was sick and tired of reading the same thing about sirens on every website. Someone had to know something, right?

Out of desperation he set up a way to excess the dark web, in hopes of finding something that could tell him how to control or bind a siren to him. After some generic information, Jake opened a page that looked like your standard article, but it seemed quite old.

Antarctic explorers saved by a daughter of the sea.

The article went on to tell about a woman who lived in the sea and controlled the water with her voice. She could also hypnotize people with her voice, ordering them to do her every bidding. The only way any human could be immune for her spell is if they were the first who kissed the sirens lips.

Jake didn't bother to scan the rest of the article. This was all he needed to know. Now all he to do was kiss Seala and then she could make them both rich with her hypnotic voice. He would live like a king on a tropical island, and she would be his queen.

He snuck towards Seala's room as quietly as he could. Even the creaking of the door was too loud. But Jake heard a voice behind the door.

*Play the song 😉*

He cautiously opened the door, to his surprise Seala was still sleeping in her bed. "Either there was something else in this room, or I have simply gone mad from the lack of sleep." He mumbled as he entered the room.

Still, he definitely heard someone in here. A voice was calling out, wishing for her lover.

Jake cautiously walked up to Seala while he scanned around the room. Nothing seemed to be out of place, no-one seemed to be in the room. But as he came closer to the bed, the voices became louder. They now sounded like a choir of angels. He had to know where they came from, he had to see who they belonged to.

Could it be that Seala was dreaming this song and he could hear it. Or maybe she was really singing it?

As he bowed over Seala sleeping form, to see her face better in the dim light, two giant white wings sprouted from her back. Appearing on the command of the singer's. The feathery wings flapped out, breaking down the window and lifting Seala out of the house.

Jake scrambled to his feet as he tried not to cut himself on the broken glass. He tumbled back to the stairs, his eyes following Seala through the window.

Her eyes remained closed as she gracefully danced in the air. It was like she was swimming through the air.

The song became stronger with every beat. Jake ran out of the house to follow Seala, who was still dancing through the air like a ballerina. He could barely keep up with her. Her wings flapping on the rhythm of the music.

The arctic cold had brought Jake back to his scenes, but something within him knew this song was ment for Seala, not for him.

In her dreams, Seala saw her sisters dancing around her in their human forms. Their bare feet we're kicking up the snow. Silken skirts were twirling around their legs. Their laughter filled the air. She wished they could dance and laugh like that forever. To be sisters that were actually there for one another. Who supported each other. They were happy for once, all of them.

Seala was twirling around through the streets, oblivious to Jake's screams and pleas for her to snap out of it. All she could hear was the laughter of her sisters, a sound she never knew she'd missed until she heard it. A sound she wanted to listen to for the rest of her life.

And suddenly it lay there before her, the shoreline. She could see all six of her sisters, led by Sedna. They were all waiting for her with open arms. Waiting for their baby sister to return to them. Seala opened her mouth to join their song, but her voice failed her.

She stopped dead in her tracks, confused by her sudden silence. She'd stayed silent for a reason, but why was that again?

Seala's mind was racing, urging her body to stop moving. But her feet were nearly dragging her towards Sedna. Taking her forwards one step at a time.
Somewhere in her mind she knew she needed to stop, but her body didn't respond. She had no control over these human limbs.

Just as Sedna's arms nearly touched her, someone pulled Seala back. Jake dragged her back onto the beach. Out of the reach of her sisters.


In whose arms do you think Seala is better off?
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