Demure Siren: Chapter 1

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The waves crashed against the rocks in the shallows of the grotto, their foam crests becoming chaotic lace over the blue, delivering another bash of fresh seaweed to waiting hands. Sayuri hummed a gentle tune as she carefully fished the delicate plant out of the water, brushing it with her hands until it resembled silk, before weaving it through the scarf she was making.

This would sell nicely, she mumbled as she inspected the final result. Maybe she would finally be able to purchase some warm blankets and oil lamps to keep to grotto moderately warm in the coming winter. Last year she had nearly frozen her fin off, in this damp cave.

It was cold, lonely and dark, but it was all she got. Out at sea, she was hunted down like a fish, on land she was shunned for her blue demon eyes. This was the only place where a monster of the sea could live in peace. She placed all her scarves in a basket, before exciting the water, her orange fin ebbing away like the waves, making place for human legs.

On her way to the village Sayuri passed the fishers, heavy basket on their backs, ready to earn their living at the market. Many shunned her, murmuring about the queen of the Funayurei. Sayuri had learned to ignore them over the years. It wasn't her fault if the ghosts of the sailors who died in her storms decided to sink other ships with their hishaku.* (*ladles)

The local market wasn't very big, but for a village, it was more than enough. Most vendors had their own stands, selling their latest catch or newest merchandise to anyone and everyone. Sayuri found her usual place, standing under the blossom tree in the centre of the market. As soon as she took her place several servant girls approached her, their eyes kept to the ground, money shaking in their hands. Over their shoulders Sayuri could see the mistresses who had sent the girls to fetch some silken scarves from the demon woman, too scared to even approach her themselves.

Holding out the basket with scarves, Sayuri let them find the finest for their mistress without having to face her. The girls would no doubt faint from fright if they were to look her in the eye.

Suddenly, Sayuri felt something tug on her skirt, looking down she stared into the eyes of a little fisher boy. "Is this enough for a scarf for my mommy, miss?" His hand held a few bronze coins in it, but his eyes sparkled like he was holding gold ones. Being so stunned that someone actually looked at her, Sayuri merely nodded, kneeling down to let him look in the basket.

"This one is so pretty," he gasped as he picked out a orange scarf with a pearl sheen.

Sayuri blushed shyly, "I'm sure your mother will love it."

His brown eyes sparkled with delight as he faced her, "You're not a demon at all. Demons are scary, you are pretty." He pointed out.

"Who said I was a demon?"

"I don't know, everyone. But I don't believe them." He spouted confidently.

Sayuri suppressed a giggle, "I'm not a demon, but don't tell your mother you talked to me, promise?"


"She will be mad. Promise me you don't tell her?" She urged, the tone in her voice dropping seriously low as she made sure no one saw them talking.

"Okay." The boy agreed, his gaze falling to the ground.

Sayuri handed him back his coins with the scarf, surprising the boy. "Don't I need to pay?"

"It's my gift for your kindness." Sayuri smiled, ready to leave.

"But you put so much effort in making it. I want to pay you!" His words stopped her in her tracks.

"What is your name?" Sayuri asked over her shoulder.

"I'm Keiji," he answers showing her a smile so bright it could light up the night sky.

"Well Keiji, why don't you sing for me as payment?" Sayuri offers, earning a confused look from the boy. He stays silent for a moment, but then nodds.

Sayuri vision blurs, her throat too dry to speak as Keiji starts to sing softly. Never in her life had she heard such a pure voice, filled with kindness just as his heart. His voice filled her chest with warmth, brushing away all sorrows for a little while. If her singing brought death and despair, his would bring life and hope. Blinking her tears away, Sayuri releases a slight sob upon hearing the end of his song, feeling the sudden urge to protect such purity.

Kneeling down, once again, Sayuri reveals a small spiral seashell dangling from a necklace. "That was beautiful, I wish this world was filled with more people like you, Keiji. Then I wouldn't have to be so afraid that my presence would get you in trouble."

Seeing the smile fall from his little face breaks Sayuri's heart. She takes his hand and lays the necklace in it, "If you are ever in danger, hold this seashell and whisper 'Sayuri' into it, okay?"

"What will happen then?" Keiji asks curiously.

"You'll be protected."

He looks at the seashell, stroking it with his finger. "Sayuri. Is that your name?"

Sayuri smiles but doesn't answer him. Instead, she politely bows, "Farewell, Keiji. May you live a blessed life."

She hummed his song under her breath before turning around and disappeared into the crowd.

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