Vigilant Siren: Chapter 2

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The moon danced across the ebbing waters of the sea. Crashing waves filled the night sky with their song of building and breaking. Her slender hand reached to the moon, gracing its pale face. It felt so close, yet it remained so far away. Would the prince be thinking of her this time of night? The thought alone made Suvanna all warm and tingly inside. She jumped out in the cold night air, letting the warm water engulf her as she sank below the surface once again. Was this what love felled like? Such an intoxicating feeling.

But the feeling ebbed away when Suvanna spotted Jasleen watching her with a worried expression. "What's wrong?", Suvanna asked as she embraced her friend.

The mermaid smiled weakly, "It's just that I wonder why prince Hanuman would build that bridge?"

"You're afraid, he'll try again tomorrow?" A small nod answered Suvanna's question. "Then we must ask him to stop now," Suvanna concluded, swimming to the shore before Jasleen could object. As soon as the siren entered the shallow water her fin faded away, showing two pale legs. Jasleen climbed onto the beach, unable to follow her lady on land. "Be careful."

Hugging her friend one last time, Suvanna promised to return before dawn.

It wasn't the first time she went on land, nor was it the first time she had roamed the city streets at night, disgusted like a normal maiden in her Sari. But it was the first time she went beyond the palace wall and immediately felt out of place in her plain ravike and pavada.

The with rich tapestries ordained walls and lush bouquets of flowers made the palace a true paradise. As Suvanna wondered through the hallway, she was met with a large golden throne, filled with so many pillows it would feel like sitting on a cloud. And on the throne sat none other than prince Hanuman. His lean body jolted up the moment he spotted her. His turban was missing and only a vest covered his bare chest. Suvanna dipped into a deep bow, hiding her blush. But before she could apologize for the intrusion, the prince whispered. "You've come. Oh thank the heavens, you're real."

Her jaw dropped in surprise, "I didn't know you were expecting me, your highness. Does that must mean you will stop building the bridge?" she wondered hopefully.

His eyes shifted, "What bridge? Oh that bridge, yes, well it's not that simple." With a few step Hanuman had closed the space between them, "You see Ravan, the foul demon that he is, has let his minions kidnapped my sister and is holding her hostage in his castle. I cannot let that demon stain my sister's purity or it will ruin my- I mean, her reputation. So we have to build a bridge if we want to attack his castle."

Suvanna threw her hand before her mouth, "That is terrible, your sister must be so scared. But I'm afraid that if you build a bridge you will only set Ravan free. He has to remain on that island."

The prince balled his fists, "Then you advise me to let my Akuti in the hands of that monster?"

"No, I offer you my help. Let me talk to Ravan, perhaps I can persuade him to release your sister." Suvanna proposed, swallowing a lump. She was terrified to go even near that island, but it was her duty to protect these people and seeing how such a kind prince is willing to risk it all for his beloved sister, how could she not offer her help.

Hanuman granted her two days before he would restart building and with that Suvanna left the palace, gazing upon the island illuminated by the moonlight. There was no turning back now.

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