Chapter 12 - The Dragon's Arrival

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"There's no way..." Lucy muttered.

"It can't be." Levy gasped.

"They're our," Gray gulped.

"KIDS!?!?" The guys shouted in unison. They were all freaking out like crazy, kind of like how Gildarts' was when he found out Cana was his daughter. It was that weird and that awkward for the future team to witness first hand.

Juvia's eyes had turned into little hearts and she was all over Gray who was frozen in place. "Oh Gray, I just knew it! I knew that you loved me!" She squealed in delight. Gray still hadn't moved, he was still in shock of it all.

Erza was on the same boat as Gray, frozen in place. Only she wasn't shocked, she was scared. She was going to have a son? Correction, she has a son and he's here now. She had to admit that she was a little excited that she and Jellal were going to be together some day, but overall she was just plain nervous.

Gajeel and Levy each shared a glance and immediately looked away. To say that this was awkward was an understatement. Levy didn't even like Gajeel in that way! Did she? Gajeel looked over at the girl with the long choppy purple hair. She reminded him of a punk version of Levy. Wait... Holy cow she was perfect!

Natsu was sweating like crazy, he couldn't believe it. He had a daughter? He was going to marry Lucy? Seriously?!?! Natsu had to admit that he was excited to see this happen. Lucy on the other hand was sweating more than Natsu. Sure she may have thought that she liked Natsu a long time ago, but it turned out not to be. Now she had a daughter with him? She had to admit that Nashi looked a lot like Natsu with her spiky pink hair. However, it was Nashi's chocolate brown eyes that told Lucy the truth. That she was her daughter.

Natsu was the first to move from their frozen state. He walked right up to Nashi and looked her in the eyes. He was a few inches taller than her, but Nashi stood firm.

"So you're my kid?"




"Yeah." I say calmly. My father says nothing about this. His spiky hair shadows over his eyes so I can't see his reaction.

"Okay." He says almost casually. He acts as if it's no big deal which surprises me.

"THAT'S IT?!?!" I exclaim. "That's all you're gonna say? You believe me? "

"Well yeah, I mean you got no reason to lie."  He says. All I can do is stare at him, my dad. He reaches out his hand, I stare at it still not believing what is happening. Thousands of thoughts go through my mind, I stare at his hand for what seems like eternity. Finally, I reach out my hand to take his.

Then a rumbling howl broke all silence. We all looked around, but the sound seemed to be coming from everywhere all at once. The rumbling continued making a nearby puddle ripple. The air feels different and smells different too.

My team and I freeze, our eyes are wide in terror. My dad notices this and he is put on edge.

"Hey are you okay?" He asks. My team and I are still frozen, we can't move. My body starts shaking uncontrollably.

"He's here," I scarcely whisper. Kali clutches my boot, terrified. Reiki is the first to regain his composure.

"Everyone needs to get back to base camp. We need to get of this island ASAP!" He orders. Without hesitation we all start sprinting through the forest back to camp. The rumbling continues to leave small tremors here and there. However just as we reach camp, an ear bursting full out roar echoes through the sky.

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