Chapter 21 - Nashi Vs. Bacchus

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"I expect to see a clean fight out there understand," Yajima announced to the competitors.

"Toby is so ferocious! Mad dog!" Jason exclaimed.

I stared into the arena, excited for the next fight to start. I was so caught up in my excitement that I didn't hear Lucy running into our section. 

"Hey guys, did I miss anything?" Lucy questioned.

"You're just in time," Gray confirmed. "That dog dude from Lyon's guild is up."

"It's the Raven Tail wizard we should watch," Erza stated.

"You know he won't play fair," Lucy added. I glanced around the stadium and noticed several eyes on me. This made me uncomfortable and put me on edge.

"Why's everyone staring at me," I pondered aloud. 

"It's probably because of Natsu and Gajeel's little outburst about you being from the future," Gray answered.

I looked back at the staring eyes. The way they were looking at me just seemed to put me on edge. I couldn't put my finger on it, but something felt off about this whole ordeal. It felt as though something was about to happen, something bad. 

I was so lost in thought, that by the time I came back to reality the match was over. How did I miss the whole match?! 

"Wait, what happened?" I questioned.

"What are you talking about, you just watched the whole thing," Gray challenged.

"I was lost in thought I guess,"

"Oh," Lucy responded. "Well the dog guy from Lamia Scale lost and Raven Tail got ten points for the win. They didn't cheat, but the guy was super mean to him,"

"Let's move on to round two in today's head to head battles," Chapati announced. "First, from Quattro Cerberus, it's the god of wine, Bacchus!"

"Wait, Bacchus?" I leaned over the railing and peered into the arena to see the grinning drunk standing proud.

"Something wrong,"

"Yeah, in my time Elfman is the one who fought Bacchus. He's not competing in the games though, because... Oh no. I took his spot on the team!"

"So who's going to fight Bacchus?"

"From Fairy Tail Team A, it's Nashi Lockflame," Chapati announced.

My heart stopped. Me?! My hands started sweating and my heart started racing a million beats per minute. 

"Are you okay," Lucy questioned. I shook my head as sweat dripped down the back of my head. I clamped my hand over my mouth.

"I think I'm going to throw up," I muttered. Everyone started freaking out looking for some kind of trash can I could throw up in.

"There's one in the hall! Go!" Gray instructed. I nodded and made a mad dash looking for a trash can. It was a few minutes before I finally made it. I leaned over the trash can just as the foul bile escaped my mouth. I heard running footsteps from around the corner as someone slid on the stone floor.

"Nashi?" By the sound of his voice I could tell it was Natsu. I felt his hands pull my hair out of the way as I threw up again. "No more whiskey for you, what's wrong?" he muttered. I couldn't help but grin at his comment.

"That's what you always say," I sat back on my knees and looked him in the eyes. I wiped away the bit of bile on my lips and grinned at him. "It's my turn to fight in the one on one battles. I'm up against Bacchus," I explained.

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