It is always sunny in Wessex

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Hey guys, this is my second history. It's kind of different from the first one. I hope you guys like it.
Italics means they are speaking old norse.
Tell me your opinions about this first chapter. x

My brother and Asta were always my parents, they were all I had. Beorhtsige told me that our parents died and he took over the position of blacksmith to feed me. He is the best in all of England. Even people from distant kingdoms come to buy his swords, he loves what he does and I love learning his skills.

Since a young age he taught me how to fight, it is a good to skill to have even if we're good Christians. Beorhtsige has never treated me like property, he is a loving brother and an even more loving husband. Asta is his wife, she's not a Saxon girl, she is Viking. Apparently, she was the only one that survived after King Ecbert destroyed their settlement.

Beorhtsige found her in the woods, scared and not able to speak to her, she was terrified of him. Apparently, some soldiers found her and raped her, I was just a child at the time but I remember. Beorhtsige brought me to her, to show her that she was safe. I looked at her and I hid behind Beorhtsige's legs, Asta looked at me confused, she didn't believe that a little girl was with a vicious Saxon man, men that abused her over and over again.

I went to her and I put my little hands on her cheeks, she stopped crying and came with us, Beorhtsige gave her food and some furs to keep her warm. During the first month, she didn't look him in the eyes, and never left my side.

It was easy for me to learn her language, but Beorhtsige only learned a few words. I was the one that translated everything between them until Asta learned our language. It was hard for her but she managed to learn.

She always told me histories about her gods and country, I was fascinated to know that there were people that didn't believe in God. I taught her to be a good Christian, or at least pretend to be. Since my brother was really known, people could never find out that she is Viking.

I always found it easy to learn other languages, an army from a city called Paris came to my brother and asked for weapons. I learn their language from the maids and a few soldiers, Asta was never there to see the soldiers. I think it's painful for her.

Since my brother is very talented, King Ecbert gave him a lot of land and gold, so we were practically living as royalty. We had servants, but we were always kind to them and they were kind to us.

My life is great, I have my brother and I have Asta, who is a mother to me. She sees me as a daughter too since she cannot get pregnant. The soldiers abused her so much, that she cannot have children. My brother had paid a lot of gold to have her checked by many healers, but the result was always the same.

Asta always felt guilty for not being able to give the man she loves sons and daughters, but Beorhtsige always told her that it didn't matter to him, he loves her and only needs her.

I remember when I realized they were in love with each other, it was night and I was reading the Bible. I was reading out loud the passage about love, it is my favorite.

"What are you reading?" She asks with curiosity, she had told me that Vikings didn't have books.

Asta learned our language, but she only talked to me in hers. She said that she didn't want to forget her native language.

"A passage from the Bible, about love. It is my favorite."I smiled at her and she looks at me with hopeful eyes.

"Can you teach me how to read?" She asks with a smile on her face, placing her fingers on the Bible.

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