Do Not Touch Me

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"You can understand me?" Ivar asked surprised, I only nodded in response.

"But how? You are Saxon."  He looked really confused, it was funny to see his reaction.

"I am, but the woman that lived with me was Viking, like you." My voice came as a whisper, I'm scared of what Ivar can do with me, now that he knows that I understood everything he said.

"So you learned how to fight with her?" He seemed so curious about me, no one paid that much attention in me, besides my brother and Asta.

"No, from my brother. Are you going to kill me?" I looked down, he might kill me, or even Bjorn.

"No, I am not going to kill you. I told you, you are mine now." He caressed my cheek, he's not the heartless Viking that I thought, he seemed sweet.

"I am your slave?" I asked confused, his eyes are so blue, they are beautiful.

"No, but you intrigue me. I want to know you better, would you like that?" He gave me a shy smile.

"Yes, I want to know more about your people, Asta did not remembered much." I looked down, with tears in my eyes. I'm not gonna be able to talk to Asta anymore, and I didn't had the chance to meet my nephew or niece.

"I am sorry for Asta, my man killed her, but I did not ordered that. But you should feel better, you killed him." I looked at him surprised, he did that on purpose?

"You planned that?" He nodded.


"Because I saw the look on your face, you wanted revenge, and I saw your sword. You are a great warrior, you would be a great shieldmaiden." He chuckled lightly and I smiled.

"Thank you." I said to him, it makes me feel better knowing that I killed the man that killed Asta and her baby.

"Can you go to my bedroom? I do not want you close to them, they respect and fear me, but they will not respect you." He looked serious, I didn't want to be alone, but he didn't seem that he wanted an argument.

"Yes, I will wait for you there." I got up and went to his tent, it wasn't far from the castle.

I entered his bedroom, it was huge. It looked like a king's bedroom, and it was really cozy. Furs on the bed, they looked so good. It was morning yet, so I grabbed some fruits and started to eat them.

Ivar makes me feel different, I never allowed a man touch me like he did. But with him feels so right, like it was supposed to be. He's really kind to me, Ivar doesn't seem the kind of man that would hurt me, like a husband would. He doesn't see me like a property, and that makes me happy, he said that I'm a great warrior, that even made me blush.

He reminded me of my brother with Asta, I think that he really cares for me.


It was the middle of the day and I heard Ivar, he was crawling towards the the bedroom.

"Hi, I am going to a feast. A slave will bring you food, I will come back tonight." I nodded and he left the room.

I took advantage of that, and I went to sleep, I was really tired.


I woke up with the noises coming from the outside, they were still feasting and it was late night already.  I was hungry, and apparently the slave didn't brought the food like Ivar said.

I didn't wanted to leave the castle, but I was starving. So I went to the hallway, and finally arriving on the feast outside. Most of the Vikings didn't even acknowledge my presence, they were too drunk for that.

I looked around and I saw Ivar, he was on a table with another Vikings. They could be related, but at the same time, they were so different. I saw Tanaruz with Helga and Floki, she looked at me and called me, I went to her.

"I thought that bad man was going to do something to you, I was really scared." She hugged me tightly, she's so sweet.

"I told that I would come back, now I want to speak with Ivar." I tried to leave her, but she followed me.

I smiled to myself and I kept walking, I really like Tanaruz already. I got close to Ivar, he stopped laughing when I got close to him, he left me confused.

"What are you doing here, christian?" I could hear the sarcasm and venom on his voice, that hurt.

"Ivar, why are you like this?" I asked softly, maybe he's angry for other reason.

"Is prince to you, slave." He grabbed my wrist with force.

"Ivar..." I tried to speak again, but I was stopped with a slap from Ivar.

I even fell in the floor, it hurt, and I was hearing the laugh from the other Vikings. Tanaruz kneel next to me, she was really worried.

"Are you alright?" I could see the fear in her eyes, I couldn't allow that.

"Yes, I said something bad to him, and he got angry. It was my fault." I rubbed her arm gently, she seemed calmer.

"Stay on the ground where you belong, christian slave." I never saw Ivar like that, he's scaring me and making me even more angry.

I wanted to cry, but he's not gonna see me cry. I ran towards the bedroom, I couldn't believe this. Ivar is just like every man, he's rude and violent, he doesn't care about me, I can't believe that I compared him with my brother.

I was in the bed crying, because of the pain and the humiliation. I never was treated like that, Ivar said that I wasn't a slave, and yet he called me one. I was so wrong about him. I cried myself to sleep.

I heard Ivar crawling towards the bed, I woke up and left the bed quickly. I was close to the door.

"I am so sorry for that, I did not wanted to do that to you. My brothers were making fun of me, saying that you were controlling me. Do you forgive me?" His voice was so different from before, I could see the tears in his eyes. But I wouldn't fall for that, he's not going to hurt me again.

When I didn't respond, he came close to me.

"Please, say something." He whispered and tried to touch me.

"DO NOT TOUCH ME." I screamed and I tried to got away from him.

"I am so sorry, I will talk to you in the morning. You can sleep on the bed, I will sleep on the floor." He distance himself from me.

"No, I am a christian slave. I will sleep on the floor, prince." I said coldly, he didn't said anything.

I laid on the floor and tried to sleep, I was so stupid. There isn't a loving man in the world, especially a Viking one.

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