Heaven or Vahalla?

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Beorhtsige was making the swords for prince Aethelwulf, it was a lot of swords, so my brother was making them with some men that worked with him. Each sword was sharper than the other, they were amazing. They weren't as good as my sword, but they were good none the less.

We could see the baby bump on Asta, she was so happy. She really wanted a child, and I couldn't be happier for her and my brother.

"Elfleda, look at my belly. It is so beautiful, I cannot wait to grow even more." Asta was always smiling, my brother couldn't be happier.

She was happy before, but this is way more. Her happiness was contagious, and we were so excited about this child.

"So have you thought about the name?" I said to Beorhtsige and Asta.

"I do not know, what do you think my love?" Asta said to Beorhtsige.

"Well, what do you think about the name of your father if it is a boy, and the name of my mother if is a girl?" Beorhtsige said, and Asta looked at him with widened eyes.

"Beorhtsige, we can not put the name of my father on our son. People would find out that I am Viking." I could see the fear in her eyes, despite the years, she was terrified that people would kill her.

That would never happen, my brother would kill anyone that would dare to raise their voice to Asta.

"I do not care, it is our child. And I know how much you loved your father." He hugs her and kissed her.

She started to cry.

"Thank you." She whispers to us.

"What for?" My brother frowned at her.

"For loving me, for saving me. You and Elfleda could be mean to me, make me a slave, but you both loved me since the very first day. I am grateful for that every single day, I know that it may sound bad, but I am glad that I came to England. I was able to know you, to love you, I was able to have a family." She hugged my brother and then me.

Now all of us were crying.

"Now you made us cry." I said to her and we all laughed.

After a few minutes, a servant informed us that Prince Aethelwulf wanted to talk to my brother. My brother told him that he could enter.

"My lord." I said as I bowed to him.

"My lord." My brother said and just gave him a nod.

Asta didn't say anything, and Aethelwulf looked at her.

"You look different, where is your family?" He asked a little annoyed.

"She is from a small kingdom, Dál Riata. It is far away from here, her family died, she does not remember them. She is my wife." Beorhtsige said with a protective tone.

Aethelwulf comes close to her and tried to grab her arm. But I stopped him and put my dagger on his throat.

"You can be a prince, but if you try to touch her again, I will slit your throat." I said with rage in my eyes.

He looked amused, but he could see that I was serious.

"You will let her talk to your prince like that?" Aethelwulf asked my brother.

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