I Want Her!

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We entered the castle, King Ecbert's castle. I promised myself that I won't cry, not in front of these people. They won't have the pleasure of seeing me cry, especially him.

I hope that my brother is fine, he will find Asta dead. He lost his wife and child, he will be devastated, and I won't be able to console him.

The army stopped at the gates, and the man in the chariot looked around his army, he was looking for something.

"Where is Bjorn?" He asked impatiently.

"He stayed at her home, it seems that he was looking for something." The other man with a long braid said to him.

I prayed to God that this Bjorn didn't kill my brother, I can't lose him too. What does this man want with me? Why hasn't he kill me yet? He must be angry that I killed one of his soldiers.

God, will he take advantage of me? Please God, don't let him do that. Help me God, I have faith in You, my Lord.

"We will enter without him." The man in the chariot said, he seemed really angry.

The army entered the castle, and all I can hear is the screams. I closed my eyes and looked away, I can't see that, I don't want to see that.

"Look, my men are killing all your people." He said with an amused tone, he enjoys this?

He grabbed me and turned me, making me look at him. He is beautiful, the most beautiful man I've ever seen.

"You are different." He smirked at me, what's that supposed to mean?

"Ivar, we did it." A man screamed and chuckled.

His name is Ivar, what a beautiful name. A beautiful name for an even more beautiful man.

The chariot started to move slowly, he didn't stop staring at me. It's impossible to look away from his stare, my knees are hurting because of my uncomfortable position in his chariot.

He leaned closer to me, he put his nose on my neck and inhaled me. He made me shiver, a man never made me shiver before.

"You smell so delicious, you are mine from now on." He smirked again, I'm really scared now.

God, this Viking will take me by force?

The chariot stopped, and we are really close to the castle now, all I can see now is Vikings everywhere. I wonder if they killed prince Aethelwulf.

Ivar took the ropes of my wrist, I immediately started to rub them. I saw that those ropes will leave a bruise.

"I know that you do not understand me, but if you run away, I will kill you." He whispered in my ear, I felt something weird.

What's Ivar doing to me? Why I'm like this around him? He kept staring at me and he jump out of the chariot, I watched him, and he started to crawl into the castle.

He is a crippled? That's make him even more impressive, he is a crippled and his people respect and fear him.

I quickly got out of the chariot and I started to follow him, I don't know what this Vikings could do to me.

I tried to catch him, but he was fast. I started to walk around the castle, I saw Vikings destroying the whole place. They have no respect for anything, they simply don't care.

I was in one of the hallways when I saw a little girl with a woman, the little girl looked different, she's not Viking.

"I love you." I heard the woman say to the little girl, but she didn't reply.

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