Ivar Will Learn How To Share

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Sigurd was different from Ivar, I liked him, he reminded me of my brother. I missed my brother so much, he must be devastated and I can't do anything about it, he thinks that he lost me too, I wanted to speak to him, to hear his voice, for him to tell me that everything was going to be fine.

I was at the bedroom, when Ivar entered, I wasn't so afraid of him anymore, it's weird, but I missed him, his gentle touch.

"Did you slept with my brother?" He was angry, and I don't know why, I frowned.

"No, why are you asking me that?" I was confused, Ivar cared about me?

"He said that you and him spent the night together." He crawled towards the bed, and he sat next to me.

"We did, but we only slept. I was scared, and he calmed me. That was all." I gave him a shy smile, he looked down.

"Do you promise never sleep with my brother?" He didn't looked at me.

"I promise Ivar." He looked at me, he is so beautiful.

"Why did you ran away?" He seemed hurt, I signed.

"I was scared, Ivar." I said honestly, there was no point of lying.

"Of me?" I nodded.

"I am sorry, can I explain to you what happened?" He put his hand on my cheek, he was that Ivar again, the gentle one, the loving Ivar.

"Of course." I smiled and he signed.

"My brother, Sigurd was taunting me. He said that you were too good for me, that you were only with me out of fear. I was so angry, he said that I could never satisfy a woman." That's why he was angry, I thought.

"Ivar, you treated me good. Until you slapped me, we both made mistakes, we could try to start again." He smiled and I was so glad that he was smiling because of me.

"I want that, tell me about your life." He seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say, I was so glad that we were like this again.

We talked the whole day, it was so nice talking to Ivar. But I still don't know why I feel this way when I'm next to him, he makes me feel different, I never felt that way before.

It was getting late, and I was sleepy, but Ivar was still talking about his beliefs, it was great to have someone talking about the gods, I felt closer to Asta.

"Ivar, I want to sleep. Can we talk more in the morning?" I yawned and he laughed at me.

"Of course." He seemed impatient about something.

"Ivar, what is it?" I rubbed his arm gently, he looked at me and my hand.

"Can I sleep here with you?" He was shy, very different from before.

"Of course you can, Ivar." I smiled and nodded.

We went to the bed, he put his arm around my waist. It was great having Ivar so close to me, I never thought that I would feel that way about a man, even less a Viking one.  It was the most peaceful sleep I ever had in days.


When I woke up, I could feel Ivar's breath on my hair, he looked so peaceful sleeping. I started to caressed his hair, I was right, it was really silky. He groaned and opened his eyes, he looked divine.

"Have you been staring at me the whole night?" He smirked and I laughed at him.

"No, I am hungry." I said to him, it was true, I was really hungry.

"I am going to grab something, so we can eat." He smiled and then he looked at me serious.

"Do not leave this room." He crawled to the door and left, I was alone again.

After what happened that night, I'm not going to leave.


It's been hours since Ivar left, and he didn't came back yet, I bathe, so I could forget about my hunger, but it didn't work.

I didn't had much to do in that room, so I was just passing around it, it was getting pretty boring, and I was starving, my stomach was making inhuman noises.

Luckily, there was a bible in the room, so I started to read it, I could practice my Latin. It was really nice to be able to read in Latin, I always thought that Latin was a funny language.

I was on the bed, when I heard the door opening, I didn't look up, I knew that it was Ivar.

"Thank God that you are here, I am starving." I was still reading the Bible.

That's when I felt a hand on my mouth, it wasn't Ivar, it was his brother, the scary one, Bjorn.

He put his body over mine, I couldn't move, he was huge, like a bear. I tried to free myself, but he was way stronger than me, I was crying already, I was all alone and I couldn't even scream for Ivar.

"If you scream, I will kill you." I nodded and he took his hand off my mouth.

"Please, have mercy." I pleaded, but he only laughed, he was a wicked man.

"Mercy? No, I will have you. I warned him, he thought that I was joking, Ivar will learn how to share." His hands went on my thigh, he wasn't going to stop.

I needed to do something, he couldn't do that to me.

"HELP." I screamed, but I only got a slap on the face, from Bjorn.

"Shut up, you christian whore." He squeezed my breasts, and I hissed in pain, he was hurting me, a lot.

"What is going on here?" Ivar screamed from the door,  but Bjorn didn't stop.

"Sit and watch, Ivar. I can teach you how to please a woman." He smirked and kissed my neck roughly, I squirmed.

"Ivar, I do not want that, please help me." I begged Ivar, but he didn't do anything.

"Ivar, please." Ivar was going to let that happen.

I meant nothing to him.

"Stop." Ivar screamed and Bjorn stopped.

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