I Lied

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I woke up and Ivar was still sleeping, he's a violent man. I saw that yesterday, I need to get out of here, I won't allow him to hurt me again. And if I kill him, those Vikings will tear me apart.

I needed to come up with a plan, how I'm going to leave this castle, without Ivar noticing? I was in pain, sleeping on the floor wasn't a good idea, but I don't want to be next to Ivar, I will run away from him.

I must find my brother, we need to leave Wessex. We can go to any kingdom, he's a great blacksmith, he could work for any King. I must have a horse to leave, it would be too tiresome to walk.

I was deep in my plans, when Ivar woke up.

"Good morning." He smiled to me, how can he do that? Pretend that nothing happened? I hate him.

I didn't respond him, I won't talk to him, that may be better for my plan, he won't miss me, only until I'm far away from here.

"I already apologized, please talk to me." He begged, I thought that Vikings didn't beg.

"Alright, that is how is going to be? You are not going to leave this room." He growled and crawled out of the room.

That's perfect, he's not gonna see me leaving. I'm gonna be able to be with my brother again, we will make a proper funeral for Asta, that's the least that she deserves.

A slave entered the room, she was beautiful, it seems that every Viking is gorgeous.

"I am here to help you bathe, Prince Ivar ordered me." She looked down, she seemed really scared of Ivar, I can't blame her.

"Thank you, but that is not necessary. I can prepare my own bath, I am not a princess, I can make things for myself." I giggled and she looked at me shocked, but she didn't said anything else and left me alone.

I started to prepare my bath, it's something that relax me, I love bath. Once the bath was ready, I took off my dress and I entered the water slowly. The ache on my body, for sleeping on the floor was slowly fading.

Since the bath tub isn't that big, my breasts were at display. It wasn't bothering me, until Ivar entered the bedroom. I quickly tried to cover my breasts, I won't let him see my naked body.

"Where is the slave?" He asked annoyed, but I couldn't care less.

"ANSWER ME." I jumped on the bath tub, Ivar is really scaring me. I need to leave as soon as I can.

"I do not need help to bathe, I can do that myself." My voice was barely audible, but the castle was silent, Ivar could hear me.

"Alright." He seemed surprised, he tried to look at my naked body, but I didn't allow that. That's a sin, and I won't sin against God, because of him.

I took a rag that the slave brought to dry me, I put it around my body and I left the bath tub. Ivar didn't took his eyes off my body, he was making me blush, I don't know why Ivar has that effect on me. I should hate him, for the humiliation and the pain he put me through.

I looked at the mirror, there was a bruise on my face, a bruise that Ivar made. It was deep purple, and it hurt pretty bad. I tried to caress my cheek, but that only made me hiss in pain.

"I am sorry for that, I truly am. You do not know me, but I never said sorry to anyone." He looked down and signed, he looked so sincere.

No, I can't fall for that. He only wants to use me, to him I'm nothing but a slave, he said that loud and clear. I'm just a christian slave to Ivar, that's all what I'm gonna be, but I wonder if I have the same effect on him that he has on me.

"I want you to feel comfortable with me, because when we return to Kattegat..." I frowned at him, he wanted me to go with him?

"Wait, I am not going back to your land. I have a brother, a life here, I will not go with you." I said with confidence, but that made him angry.

He crawled towards me, I could see that he was angry, his eyes were full anger, it felt like I was looking at the devil.

"You have a life here? Do you have a man to take your hand?" I could hear the sarcasm on his voice. Fine Ivar, two can play this game.

"Of course, we are deeply in love, he will come for me. I can never go with you." I didn't know why I said that lie, but I was feeling pretty confident when he clenched his jaw.

"Well, he will not want you back, if you are ruined." He smirked and I shivered, Ivar would be capable of that.

I looked for my dagger, but it was far away from me. I couldn't defend myself from this beast in front of me. Ivar grabbed my ankles and I fell on the floor, I was in pain, I started to cough.

"I know that christians girls like you, must maintain their virtue for her husband. If you have no virtue, your husband will not come to your rescue, you will be only a Viking whore." He lifted up my dress and started to caress my thighs, I was crying already.

I feel so helpless, I can't even defend myself, I'm so stupid.

"Please, I beg you. Have mercy, I never have been with a man before." I was sobbing, he can't do that to me. He only laughed at me, his laughter was wicked, just like him.

"Oh, I know. That is why I am going to do it, you will be screaming my name over and over. And everyone will know that you are my whore, you should feel really lucky, you are going to be my whore, the whore of a Ragnarsson." He started to kiss my neck, I don't want that.

"I lied." I whispered to him, and he stopped.

"What lie did you tell? You have been with a man before?" I could see the rage on his eyes, I'm terrified of Ivar.

"No, I do not have a man to take my hand, you do not need to ruin me, prince. I have no one, I am just another christian girl." I looked down and I started to cry even more, it's true, Beorhtsige probably thinks that I'm dead, I have nobody to help me.

"Do not cry, you are mine now, no one will hurt you." He caress my cheek, and I tried not to flinch.

I need to leave this castle as soon as possible, or otherwise, Ivar will rape me, it's only a matter of time.

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