Uncle Atlas sucks

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As we reach the cave entrance I am at my full strength. We stand there for a minute.

I say, "Alright in this cave you will face your first titan."

"I can't believe it is real." Zoë breaths.

I nod and we take our weapons out. We walk in the cave and right away I see my other niece. She kneels on the ground in celestial chains.

"Mi'lady!" Zoë shouts.

Artemis's head snaps up at her voice. Panic fills her eyes.

"No it is a trap! Get out of here!" Artemis yells.

A loud laugh bursts nearby Artemis. Soon Atlas walks out of the shadows. I pull Zoë back by my side.

"So these are the Warriors they sent. Hello my little traitor." He says.

Percy asks the dumbest question he could think of, "Who is he?"

Zoë glances at him, "Atlas, my father."

"Take back your burden." I ignore Percy.

Atlas smiles and goes to stroke Artemis's face.

She snaps at his hand and he laughs, "As you can see lady Artemis likes holding the sky. And when the titans take over I'll make all the gods take my burden."

My eyes change color, "That will never happen."

He replies, "So, you are my youngest niece. I had wondered when we would meet."

My eyes move to Luke who holds a sword at Annabeth's throat.

Thalia says, "Let her go Luke."

Luke looks like he has been torchered.

"It seems you were wrong about her, Luke" Atlas groans.

Luke sounds broken, "No I'm not. Thalia cast out the gods and join me. We can rule over them all. The Orpheus will come to you when called. Once you kill it fate will be set."

Sadness fills her eyes, "What have you done Luke? I will not cast out my family."

"Please don't make me have to hurt you." he begs.

I get in my stance, "Thalia don't listen to him."

She takes out her spear, "I will never."

Percy and Zoë go straight for Atlas. Thalia attacks Luke. I go to help Annabeth. After cutting her wrists free she takes her gag off.

"Here take this and help Zoë." I hand her my bow.

She nods and stands up. I run over to Artemis. Making fire form in my hand I melt the chains.

"Aunt you need to leave." she says.

I shake my head, "I will not lose you."

Percy gets swatted away and I groan. I jump over his attack. Right now he is 13 feet tall so it was a big jump. I slice my blade at his face. He grabs my wrist before it touches his cheek. I feel my wrist start to break. Suddenly Artemis kicks him from behind. Atlas throws me into the wall.

My head slams against the stone and my vision blurs. I cough up more blood. Groaning I focus on healing. Apollo, help me. I don't understand what is wrong with me. My vision starts to clear. Soon I can breath easier. He says, Keep your head clear. You will be fine, but when you get to Olympus follow me. I nod even though he can't see it. Slowly standing up I take in what I missed. Zoë falls to the ground holding her side. The others are watching Atlas being put back to his burden.

"Zoë!" I run over to her.

Everyone looks over. Artemis picks her up and we run out the entrance. Soon Artemis's chariot arrives and we get on.

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