The Tabernacle

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Asteria and I go to my new room to . I then head over to Kronos. Taking his hand we teleport to Seattle. My heart drops.

"What is it?"

"The party is here?" I mutter.

He gives me a surprised look. Then he seems to figure it out.

"What did you do last time you were here?" He asks.

I answer plainly, "I killed someone."

We walk in and he doesn't ask me anymore.

Thousands of people dance and mingle all over the building. Clearly only rich people have been invited. We walk over to a table and a waiter gives us some wine.

"So, who are we meeting?" I ask.

"Him." He points to a making a big entrance.

Everyone stops and looks at him, "Welcome, my friends. I am happy you have joined me for this anniversary of my company. Enjoy the party."

Everyone goes back to normal. I watch as he nods at one of his men. He nods and walks away.

"What is he?" I ask.

Kronos looks over to the side "You are about to find out."

He holds out his hand to me. Dad looks at me finally.

"We are about to be summoned." I take his hand.

I stand up and we glance at the boss. He locks eyes with us and walks to another room. We follow up to the door where one of his men stand. He let's us into the room. The man sits at the desk smirking.

"Lord Kronos what brings you and your," His eyes lock onto me, "fine date here?"

"Aurora, this is Lycaon." Dad glares at him, "Lycaon this is my daughter."

Lycaon smiles, "So this is the last child. A pleasure to meet you."

"So, you are the dog that killed." I cross my arms.

He gives me a cheeky smile, "No one is perfect."

I give him a slight glare.

"So, what brings you to my mansion?" Lycaon asks.

"The Σκηνή (Tabernacle) you guard." Kronos answers.

Lycaon smiles widely, "Now why would you want that?"

"Is it your business?" I reply.

"No, just curiosity."

"Curiosity killed the cat. I bet it can kill a dog to." I smirk.

Lycaon glares at me and sighs, "Fine I do guard it, but you can't go to it. Only she can."

Kronos stiffens, "Why can't I?"

He looks at me with something strange in his eyes, "Only a half-breed is allowed past the barrier. Lord Kronos you are not a Half-breed. Aurora on the other hand is half Titan, half mortal."

Finally I see the lust in his eyes. This can't be good. If I want my mother I need to do this though. I can handle a wolf on my own.

"Fine take us, both, as far as the barrier." I say before dad can stop me.

He nods and smirks, "Meet me after the party. For now enjoy this party."

We walk out of the room and into an empty hallway. Kronos practically dragged me here. He looks worried...If that is possible.

"What are you thinking?" He growls.

Man my family like to ask me that, "What? It is the only way we will get to it. I can handle a wolf."

"He is an Alpha that for some reason wants you. If he gets the chance he will bite you." He is worried?

"Then I won't give him the chance." I shrug it off.

He groans, "Only a silver weapon can hurt him."

I roll my eyes and take out my swords, "That is why all my weapons are made from SIlver, Iron, and Celeiston metal."

He gives in, "Fine, but don't take chances."

"I won't."

Soon the party ends and one of Lycaon's men leads us down to the basement. A doorway lies at the end of the hall. Lycaon leans against the wall smirking. He takes out a key and opens the door.

"Ladies first." He says smoothly.

"Age before beauty." I quip.

He walks in and Kronos nods to me. I walk in by Lycaon and see a statue at the end of the room. Kronos tries to come in, but is blocked. The door shuts leaving us alone in here. Torches light the room with their bright fires. Lycaon walks over to the statue and I follow.

"Here it is, love." He looks to me.

I roll my eyes, "Don't call me that."

He chuckles and I ignore him. Lycaon takes the Tabernacle out of the statue.

"Hand it over." I hold out my hand.

Suddenly I see his fangs, "Of course."

Right as he is about to grab me I flip him over. He lets out a growl standing up.

"You shouldn't have done that." He growls.

I grab the fallen tabernacle. He runs at me and I stop him in time. He grunts unable to move. Smirking I decide to tease him.

I whisper in his ear, "I am not a fool, dog. Don't ever underestimate me again, you will regret it."

Then I kiss his forehead and walk away smiling.

Once I get to the door I say, "Μέχρι να συναντηθούμε ξανά, αγάπη. (Until we meet again, love) I mock him.

Opening the door I see dad killing the two guards. I raise an eyebrow and he rolls his eyes. He then holds his hand out. I give him the stone in my hand. Then we leave the building and walk to an allie.

"So what happened to him?" Kronos asks.

"I froze him in time for a week. That is if you don't change it." I answer.

He smiles, "I would have done longer than that."

I don't look at him, "I can't do that long. A week is the longest I have ever tried."

He steps in front of me, "You never tried?"

I try to step around him but he blocks me, "Aurora?"

"I never have tried and would not want to." I lie.

The memory builds in me, but I push it back. Then I push past him and keep walking. After a moment he follows and then we teleport to the yacht again. Asteria and I leave the boys and she gives me a odd look.

"Aurora is something wrong?" She asks.

I look at her, "No, nothing at all. I am just going to change."

She leaves the room and I sit on the bed. The memory comes back to me...

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